Authoritarian nature of libs today

Yeah I can see how it would get tiring.

You’re right. My error.


He ran away from a debate where he knew there would be a female moderator there who wouldn’t take any ■■■■ from him. He used the veterans as an excuse. His behavior towards John McCain shows he has no respect for veterans.

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or tammy

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Get back on topic and stay there please.

Think whatever you want :roll_eyes: :woman_shrugging:t2: He WON & Kelly lost so I still say it was a good choice on his part.

Here’s the First Amendment. Representative Wilson should try reading it some time.

Making threats or intimidation of public officials isn’t protected, bit mocking them online?

“Shutting them down” for that? Seriously?! The woman has issues.

Any thoughts on the un-constitutional suggestion of delaying the election?

Irony is dead. Again.

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Please direct me to the secttion of the Constitution that covers constitutional and unconstitutional suggestions.

His suggestion if attempted would be unconstitutional. Is that better?

And how exactly does that translate to shutting down free speech??? :confounded:

■■■■■■■ with the election is shutting down our whole system.

Trump is all bluster. Won’t amount to a hill of beans.

DEMs on the other hand, that is a whole different animal.

Trump man good.

The ‘he really doesn’t mean it, but libz’ defense.

Wow. Wow. Wow.