Attention MAGA - This is Big Picture What Your Mancrush Is Actually Doing

From your link

Trump has been criticized by some pro-life advocates after he called Florida’s law limiting abortion to the first six weeks of pregnancy “too harsh.”

You provided enough. Thanks.

He wrote on his Truth Social platform earlier this month that the “abortion issue” had been poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those who insisted on no exceptions in the case or rape, incest or life of the mother, which he said “lost large numbers of voters.”

Your favorite trough

So he’s not pro life?

He only says that because it’s Desaintis. He still claims to be the most pro-life president.

I rarely post links from CNN. Nice try though.

His followers don’t agree with him.

His position seems to align pretty closely with yours.

He is anti-late term. Wants exceptions for rape, incest, life of birthing person.

We already agreed he is MAGA.

Now that we’ve established school children receive no opportunity benefit from being taught about slavery, Jim Crow, or gender studies, we need to establish the reason for the insistence.

Those who do not know or learn history are doomed to repeat it.

Nice bumper sticker. If we don’t teach elementary school children that the ancestor of the child sitting next to them might have been a slaver, slavery will be repeated? Jim Crow?

If we don’t teach 5 year-olds about trannys, … something will be repeated?

Thank you by the way.

No, i am not pro life.

He is miles from me.

No benefit from history at all really, right?

Nothing can nor should be worse than nullifying the vote of the people.
It is the only voice we have to decide our government.
And what is the point of elections in the first place if results are not abided by.
Would you not be outraged if Biden decides to interfere with your vote because he doesn’t like the result in the next election.

Is he? What do you disagree with? You support abortion up to crowning?

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You haven’t identified one, other than it is “interesting.” Hardly seems sufficient reason for the insistence.

But I’m asking and waiting.

What are you© trying to create, prevent, achieve?

I would say it provides context for the present, and enables kids to understand how far we’ve come in a relatively short time.

Can you show me on the doll where it hurt you to learn about the history of your country (good and bad) in school?

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Ok, how does that knowledge produce opportunities for a better life for those children?

How? The present what?

What is the purpose of the US public education system?