AT&T/ Direct TV to drop OAN

Maybe I’ll give them another try. Thanks for the update.

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A new species of the vanishing Republican

establishment and a return of the government of “we the people”. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

More mature… :rofl: :rofl:

This doesn’t even include their “Promoted” ticker, which leads with a story about how a verse form Leviticus fortells America’s future and the clickbait picture of Sandra Bullock with Keanu Reeves with the banner “Sandra Bullock’s son is fully grown and he looks familiar”.

Yep- more mature.

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I stick with it as I really nave no choice in the boonies. Where we live it’s satellite or nothing including internet.

Streaming is an exercise in futility at times. :joy:

Also why we still have a land line. No cell service at the house for calls (emergency only) and very little anywhere else.

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Hopefully this infrastructure bill helps to get you real internet and cell coverage.

LOL. It won’t.

A lot of it is terrain related.

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Att killing their own Frankenstein

Correct. People will follow OAN to some other platform and Direct TV will devalue.

Glad we found common ground. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

When the head line states, “far right”…what they truthfully exposed was, they’re left.

Dude, kid looks just like Keanu Reeves. Don’t hate.


the small percentage of it that actually goes to infrastructure (in America) just might

Sue it does, you just don’t know what’s up. Shockingly.

AT&T, which owns DirecTV, basically financed OAN as an alternative to Fox News and OAN exposed them to so much legal liability with their election lies that AT&T dropped them rather than throw good money after bad.


True. I have OAN and do not have Direct TV.

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AT&T is not liable for OAN content.


When corporations are considered"people" and money is considered “speech”, the well connected “people” are the primary portion of “we the people”.

That is what happens when the SCOTUS legalizes the bribing of pols.

Waaaaah…You’re taking away our disinformation channel. Censorship!!

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Not taking away. Sending away. AT&T may just find they needed OAN more than OAN needs them.