Armed group arrested on I-95 in Massachusetts

Yes…after thinking about while I was away I finally remembered.

That’s one of those things I’ve forgotten more then what most forum libs know. :wink:

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Check this out from

Anyone see a problem here?

The JPost provides photos for the false narrative from CNN.

With two sources, how long before all the mockingbird media is singing the same tune?


Their house, their rules.

This man can pass for a “white supremacist”?

Here it is, the procedure for noneesidents to obtain a firearm card:

If you’re a resident:

True enough, however if you are violating state law, you are.


Exactly right, when in Rome, do as the romans do.

It’s a pretty easy concept.


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Not all of the 50 offer the same ease or level of restrictions on the acquisition of firearms.

Here is a list of the easiest states to purchase a firearm:

Note that Massachusetts is not on it, but most of the New England states are. This group was from Rhode Island and traveling to Maine, no?

These guys are Moorish Sovereigns, sovcits. They’re a right wing group much more in line and run some of the same debt cancellation and property lien scams that groups like the Montana Freemen used to run.

They exercised their rights under U S Federal law, but not the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:

The 2nd Amendment is incorporated.


They won’t see a judge until Tuesday.

Thank goodness we heard from Juliette.

If you thought this, you haven’t been paying attention.

Federal law suddenly isn’t so supreme all of a sudden. :thinking:

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I believe it was previously described in the tread.

Federal law supersedes state law, but he federal law for transportation of firearms through states while traveling requires that they be unloaded and the firearms be in a locked container. News reports describe the officer observing the individuals with loaded firearms on display when he arrived. The Federal safe harbor law then wouldn’t apply and they would then be subject to MA state laws.

We’ll know more on Tuesday.


The MSM doesn’t mention race…unless they perps are white and that’s the point.


If that post doesn’t apply to you, I wouldn’t take issue with it.

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Is that a confederate battle flag on one of those white guys carrying a rifle? Who are they? Where did this picture come from and what does it have to do with this story? Could it be that the MSM is attempting to perpetuate another false narrative for their sheople?


They didn’t mention it, but a photo of the group’s leader is shown.