Arizona man, "threatened" by black kid listening to rap music in his vehicle, slits his throat and murders him

She made more than one point. One, not just black people listen to rap. I agree. Two, the only successful white rapper is Eminem. That’s preposterous. Do you get it now?

Try reading the thread next time before making stupid comments like this.

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Lol what???

Never heard of machine gun kelly?

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So…thank goodness it wasn’t racism? Asking for a friend.


She has repeated that point and clarified that it was her point.

Among other statements, she used an example to demonstrate the point. You’ve made a mountain out of it.

It’s false to claim it was her point. Or any sort of point. If it’s not a false claim, then it’s a stupid one. Stop repeating it.

For the record, I appreciate the education on all the other big time non-black rappers out there. I’m not disagreeing with you that there are more than one. That’s not my point.

What’s this new rap I hear about called “Drill rap” I think I am spelling that correctly.

I’m glad that so many of our friends on the right, after learning about the tragic murder of a young man, are concentrating on the important things like trying to disprove race as a motivating cause.

A teenager was murdered, his throat slit. No one here has endorsed that action.

Why is that not bad enough for our friends on the left?

Why is it so much bigger a deal whether his killer was motivated by race, or mental illness, or crappy music plenty of people listen to who aren’t black?

Why is it some of you want to make a bigger deal out of racism than murder? Are we planning to make, much like use of the other ‘r word’, human dislikes based on race illegal?

Pretty soon any thoughts or ideas not approved by the Left will be illegal. Whatever happened to what you say may be despicable, but I will defend your right to say it?!

Got no clue.

I’m not really up to date on my hip hop.

I listen to Golden Age (early 80s until the mid 90s) and silver age (mid to late 90s through the mid 00s) fairly frequently.

The new stuff I don’t care for. At all.

Whatever you want to call it, she posted a sentence that was false. I’m not sure why you have a problem with people pointing it out.

For the record, I mostly agree with your assessment of rap (crap).

I corrected you in what YOU wanted to call it.

And I’m fine with you calling it whatever you want to call it, even if it’s wrong.