Arizona Agrees to Dismantle Shipping-Container Border Wall after Biden Administration Sues

Arizona folded like a cheap suit.

Not that it makes much of a difference given the incoming Governor would have dismantled it anyway. :smile:

But it was a stupid stunt to begin with.

I’m still wondering why the Governors of our southern border states are not defending their citizens and State from an invasion of unwanted foreign nationals which is well withing their powers.

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basically arizona took 90m dollars, threw gasoline on it and burnt it

I agree. Those containers sit on top of the ground. One could easily tunnel under them. I’m betting there are multiple well-placed tunnels that could accommodate many illegals.

The omnibus bill called and said your outrage is faked.


AZ should have used the $90 million to recruit and arm a militia to defend its borders from an ongoing invasion by millions of foreign nationals.

As soon as Roberts lets Brandon lift 42, they’ll regret folding.


I’ll fire rude people on the spot!

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Said the Crown Prince of Rude. Brandon.


Not protecting our border or enforcing our immigration laws is an even worse stunt.


Biden would have been willing to use the full power of the federal government to control AZ, even if not willing to use it to protect our border.


I am really beginning to like the border enforcement policies of North Sentinel Island.

In fact, it is an act of tyranny and subjugates our federal Constitution’s command to protect the United States against invasion.

Not arguing the need for a strong border. I strongly supported Trump’s border wall. Having said that, I do believe piling shipping containers was a stunt. They could easily be defeated by simply tunneling under them.

And just how do you think Biden would use the full power of the federal government to control AZ?

And, as previously pointed out:

Years ago I suggested planting hedgerows … the kind with really big needles in great abundance … and proclaiming the whole thing a bird sanctuary to get a lot of free policing from naturalist.


Why does Biden admin want open borders?

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I think this is a great idea. Turn the entire border into a wildlife sanctuary similar to the DMZ and literally everyone will support it.

Better to leave it wide open for them to simply walk in right? :unamused: