Are you in favor of date for 1st Presidential debate being moved up?

Also known as a Hail Mary. But really a vaccine in late October won’t mean much other than some semblance of hope potentially thereafter. Trump has ensured that trust in government handling and execution of planning to deal with this crisis is absolutely abysmal. He is 25-30 points underwater on COVID handling. As every day goes by with 1,000+ more dead Americans, these numbers will bake deeper and deeper into place.

Genuinely hard to say when you have a candidate who demands ads be run on his television set because he’s unaware of how different television markets work question mark. In the most solidly Democratic location in America.

Well I don’t think this is one of em. :wink:

And I know it’s Trump demanding them because there isn’t a single Republican political operative in America, and I mean all the way down to dudes running city council races, who would spend a penny in Washington DC on advertising. Unless they were ordered to.

Debates are worthless unless you’re losing. They can only hurt you. Extra debates is the tactic of the desperate, because they virtually never get them.


And that is what you think is going on?

Or maybe…just maybe someone is attempting to expose what other is hiding. :wink:

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Yeah if there’s someone you can definitely guarantee isn’t going to ■■■■ the bed on national television and say something that hurts him, it’s Donald Trump. It’s been like five whole days since he did it the last time.

That’s definitely a gamble professionals would take. Because they’re actually winning and super confident.


Well, the last time Trump was debating he had to tell everyone that the size of his junk was large so i wouldn’t want debates to be exposing anything.

Debates are trash.



You guys sure about that? Here is what he said a short while ago. That Biden will hurt God if elected. :flushed:

Yes, a man who shows no apparent signs of faith just accused a devout Catholic of hurting God himself if elected.

And if that were not bad enough, look at what his campaign did as well. Here is the actual picture of Biden praying at Bethel AME Church.

And this is how the Trump campaign, approved by Trump himself, distorted the image of this prayerful man…


There was a talk radio host who would always talk of “style over substance” being a bad thing.

I am sure his name will come back to me.


Hell, I was just referring to him attacking the Civil Rights Act, the single most important piece of legislation in American history to black folks, after his campaign spent so much time and money trying to at least hold on to the eight percent he got in 2016.


Well there is a effort to keep your man from public view.

I’m in favor of anything that puts President Trump in front of a microphone speaking as much as possible.

His inability to not lie and put his foot in it is the surest thing to guarantee he is a one term President.

Biden will not go into a debate with Trump.

What should give you pause is that I am totally for this. What better way to dismantle this whole stupid Biden is senile thing a month earlier than it normally would happen.



Not “a” debate true, 3 debates though definitely

Precisely. These dates haven’t changed from elections past. If you’re not sure, watch the debates and if you are sure, send your ballot in. Will be easier to handle larger volume of mail in votes if a lot are counted early.

Susan Collins asked for 12 debates with Sarah Gideon. I am not kidding.

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