Are you a trump republican or a non-trump republican?

How dare you make me pay attention and read an article, Al. :slight_smile:

No. He typed up a “note to file” while he was director of the FBI. He didn’t release it until after he was fired. I’m not sure why that’s a problem for you.

No difference. Most of them are good, there were bad egs then as well. Always will be that way.

Nope. That’s how all law enforcement is. It’s how pretty much all business’ are. Mostly good people working, but some bad eggs in the mix.

In this case he didn’t take notes as an FBI agent. He said he took them as a CITIZEN that was in the meeting. Can you please – for the love of god – tell me how he was there as a CITIZEN and not an FBI agent?

What are you even arguing about? Call it a memo, call it a note, call it whatever you want.

No he took the note to file with him when he was fired saying it was a personal memo that he didn’t write as the FBI director after the meeting.

If he wrote it as an FBI agent, AND took it home upon being fire . . . I think that’s a HUGE issue.


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I am talking the fbi mentality, when dealing with unstable people like trump you take notes, esp one on one encounters.


Your spidey senses are on the blink. Your reading a post to me, not from me.

Well, if the economy keeps improving and he orchestrates peace with North Korea, then I believe he is the lucky albatross. It’s when you are responsible for unjustly killing the bird that you are forced to wear it around your neck in shame.

Why? Do you think he lied about his conversation with trump?

Has snow never heard of fast and furious where ag holder was raked over the coals just last year.


Someone help him.

to sum up, any policy which takes control of US immigration out of the control of the citizens, is not good for the country. Anchor babies and chain migration are two examples.

I used to vote straight Republican, but I don’t do that anymore. When I go vote this November, I won’t vote straight Republican or straight Democrat. I will likely vote for a Democrat for Senator and likely vote to reelect my GOP Governor.

Yep. Senators Flake and Sasse do vote with Trump over 90% of the time, but they were referred as “establishment rinos” on the old board.

It’s like they just heard of Rinos’. Or as if they don’t have large differences in the dem party these days…

So your saying the memo’s the made were FBI property then, NOT personal property?

At first I didn’t think so.

All the crap that’s gone down since then . . . hard to say.

I only said CHAIN migration is what I disagree with. Tell me how chain migration helps the economy better than regular legal imigrants. please and thank you.

Comey was on the clock as the FBI Director, he was privy to personal conversations with the president because, and only because he was the FBI Director. Comey then wrote in his FBI Director computer, stored on government equipment. that makes it federal government property. If he had interviewed Hilary Clinton and taken notes of the meeting, they’d be federal property as well.