Are you a communist and don't know it?

What if there was a system in place that acknowledged this person had access to someone that owned weapons?

Too far?

No. Restrictions for people that have committed no crimes is not reasonable. Driving and being in the military aren’t Constitutionally protected rights. Voting is but restrictions by age are Constitutional.

So let’s discuss what you do to people with PTSD and depression by limiting their rights. They won’t go seek help in many cases because you are going to paint them as a threat. If I have PTSD and you tell me to get treatment you’re going to take my guns away, why on earth would I go seek treatment?

I don’t think you lose rights because you’re sick. Someone with cancer doesn’t have their right to free speech removed. We need to focus on assistance and stop trying to use every single thing we can to limit Constitutional rights. It simply doesn’t help.

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I’m afraid you’re right

I also don’t like it

Sorry, that’s how I feel

WAY too far and again, what you encourage is people completely hiding their firearm ownership. For instance, the day they ban AR15’s or require registration is the day all of my guns were lost in a horrible boating accident. I simply will not allow our government to remove the means to resist them because we have seen clearly how that turns out in the history books.

I agree with you actually.

I cannot determine a way that would have prevented that kid from getting guns.

There HAS to be a way or eventually they WILL make a play for all of our guns.

Would you want a Bi Polar schizophrenic who hears voices in his head walking around with a weapon?

So the solution to me is to expand on successful programs where mentally ill are afforded treatment. My wife is a counselor and one of the programs she was involved with was a prison program where they took drug addicts and gave them 9 months of treatment, then 3 months of half-way housing. The recidivism rate went from 70% in 3 years to 30% in 3 years over the past 6 years of the program. We know conclusively that we can have an impact, we just need to fund those programs. Instead of wasting money on fighting global warming, maybe we should be allocating that cash to fighting mental illness. These aren’t people that can pay and in a huge majority of cases, there are drug problems. Maybe it’s due to trying to self medicate but when they get these guys on proper medication and get them off of drugs, the criminal behavior often goes away. That would be my focus rather than trying to get control of 300,000,000 guns in this country. 99.997% of the guns in the country aren’t used in a murder each year so trying to get control of them is not only unnecessary, it’s impossible.

I would not

I know this wasn’t directed at me but I was driving my car that way

I don’t want him walking around. I want him in a treatment center.

Many people that are Bi-Polar are perfectly capable of being independent ( yes I intentionally left out the schizophrenic part)

I am not certain I want someone who is Bi-Polar with a gun either

I think the only way is to get them treatment. You go for everyone’s guns and you’ll have a civil war and the last thing on your mind will be a crazy guy killing people because of voices in his head. :wink:

I draw the line at criminal behavior. There is no reason to strip people of rights if they haven’t proven they’re a threat to society. I know that sucks because it limits prevention but I’m far more worried about an overbearing government than I am of a person going off the deep end. Seriously, you remove his rights to a gun. What happens? He finds a gun on the black market if he’s so inclined to commit a crime… or he uses his car, or knife… there will always be a weapon available.

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Do you know anyone who is Bi-Polar?

I do and I am perfectly fine with the Government saying she can’t own a gun

It’s not unreasonable

I do. I’ve known her for 25 years and she’s never laid a hand on anyone. Her trouble is drugs. When she’s on her medication, she’s fine but when she decides she doesn’t need meds anymore, very quickly she’s back to being back and forth. She’s far more dangerous with her car than a gun. She has no intent to hurt someone, it’s just she gets on the drugs and can’t figure out how to make a decent decision.

That said, my wife counsels plenty of them and she tells the same story over and over… when they are on their medication, they’re ok. The second they come off, they try to self medicate and that starts the issues. My main concern is violent people. Bi-Polar doesn’t automatically mean violent.

Okay with her owning a gun?

She doesn’t want one but yes. She doesn’t have a violent bone in her body.

Again, I’m less concerned with trying to restrict their ability to own a gun and more concerned with getting them treatment. If they want to do harm, they’re going to FIND a weapon.

I disagree with you

You can barely trust her in a car but she’s okay to have a gun? Sorry brother you cannot have unlimited access. There must be some reasonable restrictions

Last thought and I have to go… I’ve taken this girl out shooting many times. I’m perfectly comfortable being next to her at the shooting range with a 9mm in her hands.

The person that I know that is Bi-Polar could only find a gun if she was allowed to purchase one legally.

She’s not going to buy one from “some guy”

She shouldn’t ever have one