Are you a communist and don't know it?

Hitler was insane but he had some good ideas that were worth copying. One of FDR’s only successes was the interstate highway system in my opinion.

Good luck coordinating that. If anything, the population will side with this supposed tyranny, as they always have.

Oh, that happens on occasion but mainly because the means to resist doesn’t exist. Why does every tyranny through history remove weapons as step 1 in their process?

Just to clarify, my primary goal in keeping the 2nd untouched (it’s already been partially gutted and that annoys me) is that government responses are typically more measured when they understand they are working with millions of armed citizens. The goal is to prevent tyranny from holding the power. The 2nd is just a final check and balance. If it comes to armed conflict, I don’t want the population to be unarmed.

That was Eisenhower.

Interesting… Legislation was passed in 1944. If memory serves, Eisenhower was fighting a war. Please don’t make me defend FDR, I despise him. :smiley:

If you are a communist and you know it Clap your hands!

“On June 29, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation funding the construction of the U.S. Interstate Highway System (IHS)–something Americans had dreamed of since Detroit starting building cars.”

Yup, I’m aware of that. The fact remains that FDR started the ball rolling. He was the worst President we ever had but he was correct on this issue.

  1. The Government has a roll. Do you agree?
  2. Meh. we’re good there
  3. THIS is a entire thread. I see what my kids are forced to learn. It is NOT objective OR subjective
  4. Do people really need heavy weapons with unlimited clips? Really? Do we really not need to address the opportunities the mentally ill have to obtaining weapons? Really?

I know you didn’t reply to me but thought I’d comment on two of these points.

  1. No. The government has no role in fairness or outcomes, only making sure opportunity is equal. The second we allow them to pick winners and losers, we all lose freedom.
  2. What’s an unlimited clip? I want one! Yes, people need high capacity magazines and “heavy weapons” as the 2nd isn’t about hunting, it’s about a final check and balance to federal tyranny. There are already laws on the books that stop felons but mentally ill? By whose definition? What constitutes that? PTSD? Depression? Why is the 2nd Amendment the one you folks are willing to throw away? Would you similarly suggest that the 1st Amendment not apply to mentally ill that haven’t broken laws? How about the 8th Amendment?
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  1. The Government may not “have” a roll but they are going to take one. How do we mitigate that?
  2. I hear you brother, I really do. I think of those kindergartners at Sandy Hook and i KNOW we could do better

Its called the Eisenhower Interstate System…

It would definitely cover those two…yes.

You stop them by recognizing they have no authority to take a role in “fairness”. They are there to follow the Constitution and to do what they’re told.

How would you have stopped the Sandy Hook incident?

So we’re just going to ignore the fact that it was started in 1944? Yes, it was fully funded later but we spoke about who had the vision and what it was modeled after. Trust me, it pains me to give FDR credit for anything good but facts are facts.

So for depression and PTSD, you’re willing to remove rights from people?

I hope to hell you NEVER get a political office in this country.

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I don’t know. I really don’t. How could we have been sure that that guy was not able to access those weapons? all out ban? was that the only way?

If someone with depression or PTSD is on medications to deal with their issue, isn’t some restriction reasonable?

We don’t let blind people drive. We don’t let Autistic people in the service. We don’t let 16 year olds vote.

We can determine reasonable solutions

Nope. A ban wouldn’t have stopped him. He would have found other means. He used a handgun as well. The sad truth is that the ONLY thing that would have stopped him is for his mother to recognize the warning signs and get him help. You show me a program where we can get mentally ill people assistance and I’m all for it. You show me a gun ban to try to stop them and I’m going to fight it. Why? Because it doesn’t address the problem. It’s like banning cars because kids die in car crashes.

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