Are we headed toward another Gulf of Tonkin in the Black Sea?

Science denier.

About as far from it as can be. Without some kind of proof it is speculation, no getting around it.

You think they were just free wheeling it, with their careers on the line? Seriously. Oh and not just careers, lives, China probably doesn’t like to hear it and well, they aren’t nice people. As evidence, publicly admit interest and research into ethnic bio weapons.

So, the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a psi op to get America into Vietnam.

However, NATO has no desire to go to war with Russia over Crimea.

If this is a Gulf-like incident, it is coming from Russia. I don’t really see that either. Vlad knows that he would be crushed.

Maybe you should watch it again and listen more carefully. The guy on the left even says it is speculation.

Remember this?

Remember who ran the Executive Branch? Well 
 they’re back.

Don’t kid youself: Biden would absolutely take it to the Russians.

And then you would seamlessy slip into calling Biden a war monger.

See? Win win for you, in a bad faith sort of way


He’d make George Bush’s 911 classroom reading momentous like Patton in comparison.

Talking to you is without point or purpose.

When he was VP. Did he “take it to the Iranians” when they captured our sailors?


No. He didn’t. He was VP. He had a voice.

His idea of “taking it to the Iranians” was THAT WE WOULD NOT APOLOGIZE. WE!

However Biden also reacted to the report that 10 U.S. sailors had been captured by the Iranians for allegedly entering Iranian waters, which have since been freed. Biden explained to show co-host Charlie Rose and Norah O’Donnell it was an engine failure and said he said the United States would not apologize to the Iranians for the mishap

We bombed Russian mercenaries in Syria back in 2018 after they attacked US forces. They were not Russian troops.

Meanwhile back in the Black Sea, NATO and Russian forces are both engaging in war games:

And for some reason oil and gas facilities in the Black Sea and Caspian region seem to keep exploding. That must be a coincidence:

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Irrelevant, without context, and entirely partisan.

Talking to you is without point or purpose.

In fact, I am not convinced that you are not actually a right wing talking point regurgitation bot.

I wonder if such an accusation is against TOS since it is intended to denigrate me. Ahhh
 but past experience here says you will be allowed to call me any ■■■■■■■ name or attribute to me any ■■■■■■■ negative trait that you feel like
 and with impunity. And I either have to take it or be banned when I retaliate. Except for outright dangerous posts that threaten, I won’t stoop to the pussified flagging that you all do.

Yes, the virus has all the characteristics of a bioweapon that was designed to attack the US and Europe while leaving China and its neighbors virtually untouched. In took over a year for natural evolution to reduce the apparent East Asian immunity enought to allow the first outbreak in Taiwan.

If that is a ToS, I will remove it. Please flag it.