Are we endanger of this happening here?

No, most of the people who continue to follow Trump are looking at the propaganda coming from his campaign, not the actual facts of the election.

That’s a complaint about the internal mechanics of the Democratic Party, and I agree with you, but it’s not election fraud.

It’s not been established at all, actually.

Yup This!

Pennsylvania did not follow their own election laws. This has already been established. Other allegations were unproven because serious eyewitness testimony was ignored.

Has it been investigated at all, actually?

How many supporters of President Trump do you actually know?

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“This has already been established.”

No. not according to anyone but trumpers.

If you’re asking me that question, why did you then declare that “it’s been established”?

Many. I live in a very red county in rural Wisconsin. Almost all of my local friends and neighbors voted for Trump.

And everyone you know that supported President Trump based their vote on propaganda from his campaign…nothing else?

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Excellent! Then you live in one peaceful but well armed neighborhoods in the world. Be thankful you don’t live in a blue area.

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Many of us live in Trump Country.

Plus, many of us here study up on both sides of the issues very well.

Many of us here have read the court transcripts. Several of us dialed in or used Zoom to attend the election court cases that offered those venues (one of the Pennsylvania cases and Lin Wood’s first Georgia case come to mind) so we can know whether someone is spouting facts or propaganda.

The chief way we can know this? Most Trump supporters are not aware of the vast difference between what folks like Rudy Giuliani, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are claiming in public and what they bring forward for discussion when they are actually in court.

The difference is striking, and for that reason anyone with even a modicum of objectivity can deduce that they have absolutely zero evidence for their more outrageous claims.

If they did, they would have filed them in court.

They never did.

Why do you think that is?

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No, that’s not what I’m saying. My neighbors had good reasons for voting Trump, and I agree with some of them. I’m saying that when it comes to their trust in the fairness and accuracy of the 2020 election, the ones who believe the election was stolen are listening to Trump campaign propaganda, not examining the actual facts of the election.

Yes, it’s nice here. I also lived in Minneapolis for 19 years and it was nice there too. I left my car unlocked in my driveway once and someone stole the change from my cup holders. That’s literally the only crime I experienced in almost two decades. It’s a beautiful city.

Then you too, live in one of the most peaceful and well armed places on Earth. Good for you!

What’s the murder rate in Minneapolis compared to your conservative town? Seen any riots there lately? Minneapolis is not one of the most peaceful areas in the world. Your conservative town is.

That’s quite a stretch you’re trying to make. My conservative Wisconsin town population = 2,400. Minneapolis population = 425,000. And yet my little town still has robberies, vandalism, poaching, and a major meth problem. We even had a ■■■■-fighting ring busted a few years ago.

Didn’t you just tell me that your place was very pleasant? Why the 180? Are you trying to prove that conservative areas are as miserable as liberal ones? They are not. And it isn’t even close.

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What objective measures are you using to determine that?

I made no 180. Just pointing out that crime exists everywhere, as I’m sure you know, even in conservative areas like mine. And it’s still very pleasant here. Neither Minneapolis nor my small town are “miserable.”

What many of President Trump supporters do not know, is that this election was in the process of being stolen long before there was a President Trump. Again, take a look at California. Right before us we have an example of how chipping away at a two party (minimum) system can bring great power and wealth to the few leaving the many almost helpless to evoke any change. You must have noted that any Democrat House Representative votes how Nancy Pelosi, (California Democrat) mandates. Nancy Pelosi’s backers? Silicon Valley, and media in league with Silicon Valley. Her nephew (by marriage) is the California governor. Look at California. Those who dug wealth and power from here marched right to DC and are copying exactly what began here.

Many people admire how Pelosi whips her entire House in line (she has the money, after all, which she can supply or withhold). If this is how the people want the nation to be run, then absolutely, they should vote against Trump and for every Democrat they can find.

The Trump Campaign’s “Propaganda”? Ha! They are infants compared to what the Democrat machine has been dishing out. Plus, President Trump and his campaign are inexperienced and like everyone, make mistakes. They did not run a perfect campaign, they were too naive, nor did they have a perfect response to the inevitable result. Here in California, no matter what Party, could have told you four years ago how this election would turn out. The rage we saw from the Democrat machine back then insured it.

If I lived in Wisconsin, I would keep an eye on how many people are moving out of California…and where they are going.

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