Are we already living in a authoritarian state

martial diplomacy

except of course, its not false.

not with a cloth mask it doesn’t, and not much with a surgical mask. basically a useless endeavor designed to make you feel like you’re doing something to combat covid and the government is saving us all.


Yes it is.

Yes it does. Covering your faceholes reduces how far your little bits of vaporized spit travels from your pig pen like bio aura. By reducing the velocity of one’s disgusting saliva droplets, one can reduce the spread.

This spread is reduced in varying degrees.

Just because something isn’t 100% doesn’t mean that it is worthless.

It is all about risk mitigation and wearing masks is a low cost method for a good return on risk reduction.

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lol… what a bunch of drivel.

one guy saying something that does not refute crt is being used in education does not refute anything. it does fit the denial narrative though

and please, the rest is ■■■■■■■■ theory proven wrong by scientific study.

cloth masks do nothing

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That is the dude who is responsible for you knowing about CRT in the first place.

Without him… you wouldn’t even be mad about it.

But the risk diminishes over time. It doesn’t make sense to pretend that we

  1. Can’t travel without papers
  2. Can’t leave the house
  3. Must wear masks
  4. Must have the vaccine
  5. Can’t dine out without papers

None of this is true currently. Are we supposed to pretend it is? If it isn’t true currently, why would you think they will all be true in the near future as part of an authoritarian state? It doesn’t make any sense logically.

they do something. Not as well as other options but better than not covering at all.

Dunno about you, but I don’t feel like complying with tyrants. Dangerous business, that. :man_shrugging:



false assertion proven wrong by study

And this is the thing that bugs me the most about this whole pandemic.

nice opinion, but not a study. study proves the assertion wrong.

cloth masks are 0% effective
surgical masks 11%

science trumps opinion

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Forget about media and social network censorship.

Let’s not even discuss the election meddling.

    1. and 4. are are not over yet for many states.

President puppet even had to tamper with the Rittenhouse jury yesterday with a lie about vigilante motives.

The authoritarian creep is currently real. It will roll back as the virus adapts to its lesser role and the hysterical among us can be talked back into civil society.


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You can see in that JAMA link where they have a table of studies.

One of the major problems surrounding this entire pandemic is that the framing of the response has been about individual protection instead of community protection.

The more people who wear masks… no matter what the make… have an overall effect of reducing transmission. The risk for everyone is reduced.

But sadly we live in the world where there is a binary and not one where things exist on a curve.

no it does not, and as before the cdc’s list of anecdotal references and retrospectives do not amount to a “study”. still relying on two hairdressers… its comical.

actual studies to test the hypothesis have proven it wrong. no matter how much the cdc tries to prop it up, its been proven wrong. how many times does a hypothesis have to be proven wrong to be false?


No one is being forced to vax.

They are faced with a simple choice.

Vax or punishment.

It’s a choice one must make.


Mackenzie Blackwood number one goalie from the New Jersey Devils hockey team. He reported to training camp in September unvaxxed. If he remained unvaxxed. He would be subject to league rules regarding the unvaxxed and miss the Canada away games.

He had a choice to make.

Without looking guess which choice he made?


A physical barrier over your faceholes reduces transmission.

Not 100%… but better than nothing. This whole idea that it is useless is just false.

Not really. A 10 % delay in transmission at best.

Fauci initial response was the correct one.

Better than zero.

And at little cost.

The whole idea that masks can be effective is also false.

Better than nothing is not a selling point. We have plenty of data showing the futility including NFL players.

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