Are Things Any Better Between The Trump Administ. And The Left!


Birtherism was our nadir, and we haven’t risen above it since.

Just wait until those tariffs kick in.

There will be “pain” in the short run and “gain” in the long.


We will go through a bunch of crap and just get back to baseline.

China has five times as much at stake as “we” do. My guess is we’ll get some excellent concessions before the effects of tariffs kick in. The playing field is lopsided in favor of other countries. I’m proud we have a President willing to address this issue. I don’t understand why all Americans are not on board?

More pain.

Sure. It would be cool if the administration was only focusing on China. But instead they are picking a fight with the entire world.

At some point the needless economic pain will become untenable and like the ill advised child separation policy, there will be a sudden reversal leaving very little gained except more chaos.

They were an easy target and a symbol of America. In exchange, a 20% tariff is being placed on their cars. I’ll bet you see many more Volkswagons, Audis, Mercedes and BMWs over here than Harleys over there. Seriously…who has more to lose IYO? I don’t like this but the unfair and imbalance of trade must be addressed.

There will be pain all around the world but it will be in exact proportion as to the imbalance…which is fair.

No. It’s not. Don’t confuse Trump threats with actual reality.

Have you not seen the aggregate charts that shows the US has as higher if not higher over all tariffs in place than many of the countries were are in a “trade war” with?

This should have read higher if not equal. We are at 1.6% as are the EU countries. Australia is 1.2%, and Canada 0.8%. Mexico beats us by far at 4.4%, so really, Mexico should be our target, not Canada or the EU.

Ross Perot approves.

Too bad you guys are so busy making sure that rich people like yourself are seeing almost all the benefit of that growth.

Regardless of my annual income, my love for others has never wavered and I want nothing but the best for them. It is placing the interests of others ahead of my own that I believe has been a key to success. That approach is what motivates my position on this subject. I won’t go into detail but I can be greatly affected by these tariffs in a negative way.

You must be salivating at the thought of a large tariff on importing cars.

Spare me. Your actions speak louder than words. You’re not putting anyone’s interests above yours. Maybe you actually believe that, but looking at the actions you support tells the opposite of what you’re telling me.

Then invest in new glasses my friend.

Don’t like reality? Invent a new one. Or at least convince people that no one can really agree on reality so believe whatever you want.

Trump in a nutshell. Must be nice.

You mean…your “reality” and yes, I do not agree.

This is exactly what I mean. The economy under Obama was a disaster. The same economy under Trump is possibly the best ever. The unemployment rate under Obama might have been 42%. Now its 3%. The tax bill went mostly to wealthy Americans and corporations. But it was designed to help the common man. Tariffs are going to hurt everyone who has to pay more for goods. But a 20% imported car tariff is going to help domestic producers and resellers like yourself.

But hey, keep telling us how concerned you are and willing to put other people’s welfare before your own.