Are they more Important than You?

Oh please, this discussion is so childish. In the real world slogans or sound bites mean nothing.

You mean like weaponizing law enforcement and national security assets, hiring foreign spies for hire, and involving private security funds to go after political rivals?

No, wait, that was the previous guy.

Or how about sweeping under the rug illegal collusion between party, candidate and PACs?

No, wait, that was Democrats and their complicit media.

Or how about leaving staff hanging in the wind to be killed and lying about it later?

No, that was the last bunch too.

Well, there was that time the Trump administration lost control of a straw purchasing scheme ā€¦ no, no, last bunch again. Same with pallets of money to Iran.

ā€¦ and do very much more.

But President Trump does tweet a lot.

Iā€™m reminded of what I wrote well before November '16. One bunch has a history of highly compromised ethics in high office and a media that will cover us for them. The other guys it doesnā€™t matter what they are the seriousness of the charges alone matter for why theyā€™re bad. The second bunch will be eagerly watched and attacked by the press.

Progressives suddenly, magically out of no where caring about asserted corruption when it isnā€™t Democrats is nothing new.

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AND committed treason thatā€™s been documented and proven! Man I sure do wish Donald could do something about that Merry band of anti-American traitors.

Donā€™t worry about it. Heā€™ll have them building that wall any day now. Hillary looks good in Orange. :wink:

Barr will take care of these traitors.

So youā€™re saying your a Globalist?

I am mot saying that at all. What is your obsession with labelling people.

You do understand it is possible to have a nuanced approach to politics without the need to identify with a single label.

You give yourself a label by calling MAGA comments stupid.

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Golly I sure hope so. Donald seems pretty powerless to do anything against the evil Deep State Obama/Clinton Traitorous Criminal Cabal. Hopefully he hasnā€™t been compromised by them somehow?

They are stupid, nothing more idiotic than to hear the chants of maga for a man who holds anyone that he perceives not to be at his level wealth wise in contempt

Obamaā€™s spygate wonā€™t go away!

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Thatā€™s where youā€™re confused, Maga is for America not a man.

Of course not! Not when he and Clinton committed such obvious and provable crimes! The only controversy is why Donald hasnā€™t yet arrested them. What do they have on him that prevents him from doing his patriotic duty?

The Deep State runs deep, fellow patriot. Stay frosty.

Iā€™m assuming Trump will eventually have all the Obama Judges pounding dirt, thatā€™s when the excitement will happen.

Thatā€™ll be swell!

Iā€™m sorry, but Conservatives(far right Republicans), arenā€™t your comrades! lol. lmao!
Good luck with your Socialistic Venezuela(Democrat far left) ways though.

Maybe go ask Obama about his Uranium 1 deal with Russia? and hold him and the Democrat Politicians responsible for once?

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Who have I personally supported ā€œthose out to destroy Americaā€?

As to the second question of yours, the current incumbent of the White House, who has an orange hue, is the one destroying Americaā€™s standing in the world.

To state the very obvious: I am not a Democrat.

I didnā€™t say that you were.

As for Trumpā€™s appalling behavior, consider the sources for what heā€™s done.

Folk in the media and out who have spent years easily getting over / covering up everything Democrats have done?

Whatever faults he has, Trump at least has all the right enemies to have.

Globalism is dead, get used to it.