Are there even 52 militarily significant target in Iran? Or did the president really threaten civilian and cultural targets

iran is a tiny country. They can’t hurt us.

It took you a while to find your niche, but this thing you do with taking your old posts and replacing obama’s name with trump is very inspired.

Good job…

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Why? Then Trump* can as Congress to declare war on Iran for hurting his brand.

I don’t know…thats why I asked? 52 one for each hostage taken 40 years ago? Do we really want revenge 40 some years later?

The previous wimp? You mean the guy who got Bin Ladin? That wimp?

That’s my contention. If he wants to hit targets…do so. Send a warning to Iran, but don’t use twitter to potentially and publicly threaten civilians and religious and cultural targets…

I expect a president to be strong. I don’t expect him to be reckless.

Can’t y’all just be like, “Yep, this was a dumb thing to do.”

Then this should be your only post in this thread…as there seems to be plenty to discuss. Right?

It was a crime when Hitler ordered the destruction of the Eiffle Tower upon the Nazis retreat at the end of the war. His military leaders knew this and ignored these orders. Nothing has changed.

Hard to imagine Iran has a standing army of 1.2 million soldiers and less than 52 targets.

I only worry about who is the President when Trump is done and that they listen to this.


@Paul_Thomson, are you calling me a racist? You don’t have to like my thread, or it’s title. But you do have to disagree without being disagreeable.

So was Japan…how did that turn out? Hurt us pretty good.

iran isn’t a serious threat. They spend like 1/100 of what we spend militarily.

You must be imagining things. Before he became president he berated previous administrations for telegraphing what they were going to do. There is no way on God’s green earth that he would do the exact same thing he criticized others for doing.

With all the hate thrown his way it’s no wonder he has to play so much golf.


Know why? He watches TV, that’s why.

That is not accurate.

Wasps aren’t a serious threat to humans either, but it still hurts when you walk over and hit their nests.

They’re no threat to us.

Right? Or try to convert red-blooded American Christian males to some sick form of Kenyan ladyboy Islam where we all submit to Middle Eastern men while wearing mom jeans and eating fancy mustard.

But not on this POTUS’ watch! We’ll grab Iran by the ■■■■■ and eat super-sized combo meals from McDonald’s to celebrate! Trump is a man’s man! Red State America hasn’t been this excited since Putin took his shirt off! :heart_eyes:


We just need to make sure we’re not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians.