Are there any areas of agreement between the left and the right these days?

He was presented with a bipartisan immigration bill that would get through congress and give him 90% of what he wanted.

He rejected that.

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That bill was rejected by the American people the first time. That’s why we have Trump. He was not going to fall for that old “comprehensive” , Where they lie and don’t build the wall.

So the reason for rejecting compromise is that it is compromise.

You see what you are doing here… right?

While Trump has an infinite number of ideas to fix America, I still have no idea what the dems plan?

Is this like Obama care, where they don’t not even run on what they will pass when elected.?

Sure, what ever. … Got any thing else beside amnesty and open borders?

That you think that that was the compromise bill shows that you have no idea what was in it.

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They hope it changes

So far the plans of the Trump administration is to explode the deficit… something that used to be considered a bad thing.

Both parties love to spend money they don’t have, while blaming the opposition party for the resulting deficits.

Like they trust him or have any reason to trust him.

Same goes for republicans. They have no reason to trust democrats anymore.

Obamacare and Garland were the two nails in the proverbial coffin for political discourse. Neither party has any reason to trust the other after both of those ■■■■ shows.

As I recall, I clearly argued that DEMs idea of compromise was that they get everything they want. That was certainly Obama’s understanding.

That’s exactly why we have a public option right now with the ACA.

Where Obama was born is not a matter of policy nor does it have any bearing on current issues facing the nation.

At leas a large portion of the republicans have actually been trying to do something about it. Not quite enough to push border security through and certainly not enough yet to do anything about the illegals already here but if we can solve the first problem the 2nd will at least become solveable.

At least the US Chamber of Commerce has quit pretending so we know where they actually stand.

90% hell, no wall no bill as the wall was the centerpiece of his entire immigration plan.

No, it would be surrendering on the key issue and giving democrats what they have been demanding for the last six years instead.

It wasn’t republicans who blocked the public option, they didn’t have the votes to stop anything.

The gang of six bill allocated $3 billion towards a wall.

Trump , campaigned on balancing the budget, yet they have added more than $1.5 trillion to the debt

They should have went for the public option or bust what we have now is considerably worse for the majority of the country. Heathcare is so ridiculously expensive around 50% of the people are not even going to the dr no more.