Are the "unboosted" the new "unvaxed"?

Nope the bulk of hospitalizations are still unvaccinated.

And this statement you made at the end tells me all I need to know about the extent of your vaccine “research” and your ability to comprehend what you might have “researched”.

This is not an insult…simply an honest assessment.

It’s not as simple as Googling.

Just pointing out where the media and swamp are on this…

. And it’s hard to research a Vaxx when the corrupt FDA allows their masters at Pfizer to hide the data for 75 years… Isn’t it…?


Stop making excuses and show us your bona fides.

You already revealed you don’t have much knowledge of how vaccines and the immune system work.

Do you ever do your own thinking or just rely on the ever changing Fauci and GMA for your beliefs?


“Two weeks to lower the curve”… lol!


What is the newest definition of not fully unvaxxed?

Currently those with 2 shots are considered unvaxxed or not fully vaxxed.

Keep changing the definition and then whining about the unvaxxxed.


Weird timing. The second I looked at this reply by you, I got a text saying I was eligible for the booster. And to reply “STOP” to opt out. Which is what I did.

None really. But I didn’t get one of those vaccines, so why do it now? They say I can get the J&J booster, but isn’t that the exact same vaccine I got back in March? If they come out with something new, I’ll probably get that.

Damn you for beating me to it! Thanks. :+1:

The recommendation from the CDC (for whatever that’s worth) is to get a Phizer or Moderna booster if your initial shot was the J&J vaccine. Furthermore, they are recommending that anyone who got J&J more than two months ago, to get one of the mRNA boosters now.

I know what they recommend.

Their MOAs are different, but what they do is precisely the same…produce spike proteins that stimulate the production of protective antibodies.

Mix and match isn’t a problem.

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Well, there are shareholders to think of.


Then it will be among the 100’s of other coronavirus’s we live with every year. That’s the hope, there is no stopping the virus now we can just have to hope it mutates to a less lethal form.

Maybe omicron will be the start.