Are DEMS Apolitical?

The confirmation hearings were highly contentious. Had they known about his potential vulnerability with his extracurricular activities, I seriously doubt they would have selected hm. Obviously once he was in the hot seat they couldn’t pull his nomination. That would have played right into DEM’s hands.

Thanks. I was under the impression there was an organisation that provided Trump with a list of potential candidates. Wouldn’t that organisation have done some vetting prior to including that person on the list?

Yes. But they obviously couldn’t foresee the circus that played out during his confirmation hearings.

Yep…all the way back to John Marshall whose actions seemed geared to piss off Thomas Jefferson at every turn.

It was the Heritage Foundation who groomed and selected for ideological purity

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At the top levels of our intelligence agencies, yes…they’ve been corrupted and Comey, Strozk, McCabe and Page are proof.

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And the accuser was a psychologist whose specialty is research into creating false memories.

Tips about and/or corroboration about what exactly? Even according to Ford’s testimony there was virtually no one at the so-called party. Furthermore, any other woman could have came forward the same way Ford did.

A it seems like maybe some tried and were ignored.

We aren’t going to replay Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing in this thread are we? That’s already been beat to death and in today’s reality irrelevant.