Are democrats getting desperate?

Or since this is largely a disease of the elderly and obese and Africa has half the average age population and very little obesity a more likely explanation.

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Pretty ballsy thing to say after 4 years of “technically not illegal”.

Anyone who gets something for free typically like it. Those who don’t get it for free likely not as much.

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That depends. Does the poll make a republican look good? Then it’s accurate. That was the metric over the last 4 years.

Carping at the wrong guy, try the White House chief of staff.

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Nah, carping at people now whining about technically not illegal after defending 4 years of technically not illegal is completely valid.

is what you want to see. Like always. Rudy approves.

Colluding no. What? They are not colluding. The ones where there is small population density are fine. The ones where there is not don’t have epidemiological ability

Democrats repeatedly said that they opposed mandatory vaccinations as a violation of civil rights.

Now the White House is saying just opposite.


Not mine.

They found a way to make the other side pay for daring to oppose their agenda.

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Tell us all it’s not Constitutional…Then do it anyway.

It’s time to start thinking in terms of the precedent we are setting …


I see 1st District Court of Appeals in Fla just handed democrats another defeat.

1st District Court of Appeals just granted the State of Florida’s request to reinstate the stay – meaning, the rule requiring ALL Florida school districts to protect parents’ rights to make choices about masking kids is BACK in effect!


If they could get rid of a couple of less extreme Democrats, like Manchin, they could handle the Constitution. As Pelosi said when asked if the ACA mandate was Constitutional, “Are you kidding me?”


Check your……

Oh, never mind.

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And that is why the variants will keep coming even if we had 100% vaccination in the US. They will develop in Central America or Asia and here they come. A leaky border won’t help.


How are they “lashing out”?

They can’t count dead people? Please. And since they all want foreign aid to help deal with it, what is the motive to hide the seriousness?

That isn’t a big deal, our king has decreed we will pay teachers salary if they get fired for breaking state law.

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Miss the speech yesterday?

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