Are COVID vaccinations for children doing more harm than good?

You don’t know what a breakthrough case is?

Of course I do.

Then you know that the new info is that viral load looks the same in breakthrough cases. So non breakthrough cases aren’t spreading it like non vaccinated… So the vaccine does help. So you are not keeping current.

To protect themselves from the unvaccinated

Feel like Sneaky ran away from this thread.

What? A breakthrough case is a positive more than 14 days after last injection.

What are you calling a non-breakthrough case? If they have it, vaccinated or not, the viral load is the same.

How do you figure the vaccine is helping with the spread.

I’m current.

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I’m sorry I hurt you.

Do you have evidence that non breakthrough cases have the same viral load? Because I haven’t found anything saying that.

What are you calling a “non breakthrough case”?

Sorry I misspoke and got a couple things jumbled up. There are breakthrough cases where it looks like the viral load is the same as unvaxed. But breakthrough cases are rare. The vast majority of non breakout cases aren’t passing it along because they’re not cathing it. They’re non breakout cases. So the vaccine is preventing transmission.

What are you calling a “non breakout case” now?