Are COVID vaccinations for children doing more harm than good?

According to the latest numbers - as of July 29, 70% of the population has been vaccinated.

According to the 2020 Census, our population count is 331,449,281. 50% is children, under the age of 18 - 163,868,916.

Parents should decide if they want their children to be vaccinated. We don’t know the long term effects of the vaccine.

I think we should “Leave them Kids alone.”

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I’d love to see an update on how the girl is doing. This has the expected hallmarks of functional neurological disorder following vaccination. There are plenty of known cases occurring after vaccination. It can even be “contagious.” See what happened in Colombia with the HPV vaccine after an episode of mass psychogenic illness.

Her described symptoms don’t follow a consistent pattern for vaccine reaction. Changing symptoms while distracted, inconsistent symptoms, changing pattern and frequency. Walking then not being able to walk, then walking. Not being able to hold her head up, then being able to hold her head up. Her appearance while her mother talked was peculiar.

Who knows, maybe it’s caused by the vaccine. Doesn’t fit a typical vaccine reaction though.

A couple of case reports of FND following COVID vaccination:

The BMJ had a letter to the editor concerning the topic.

Highly doubtful, but if true, bout’ ■■■■■■■ time.

You are ignoring something important. You have zero information on the long term effects. Oh and here are the risk levels of Covid for kids.

from Kids, Covid and Delta - The New York Times

Death is not the only long term result of contracting Covid.

Every single adverse effect of the vaccine happens at a higher rate for children who contract the virus.

“rewards” don’t outweigh the risks in kids

no. we are saying the risk of taking medicine (which there always is) must be outweighed by the reward.

You think death is the only adverse effect of car accidents, cancer or cardiovascular disease?

Those are not communicable.

And? They are avoidable or at least can be reduced.

Same thing with Covid.

Vaccination is the most effective way.

Funny that.

It is? When was the vaccine found safe for children? I must have missed the news.

12 years and older.

The more people vaccinated means the less chance for spread.

Not true.

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Very true.

It is literally how vaccinations work.

Viral load is the same. Stay current.

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Isn’t that just in breakthrough cases?

What do you mean?

For breakthrough cases.

Is it? How would the vaccinated know?

Is that not why they want the vaccinated to mask?