AP: UK Ambassador claims Trump pulled out of Iran Deal in order to spite Obama

Your thread title is innaccurate you know that right?

Per your quotes of the article is is one person assuming and guessing.

Pretty good guesses however.

Why did trump withdraw from Iran, in your opinion, of course?


Except for the fact that republican’s vowed to block and obstruct everything that he tried to do, so how would he do that?

Republicans elected a baby who is not even a good administrator or negotiator.

How is my title inaccurate? Would you prefer if I put the word “memo” rather than “report”?

There’s a memo/report that Trump axed the Iran deal in order to spite Obama.

In what way is it inaccurate? Even if you don’t bother to click the link and read the article yourself, the quotes say it all.

I agree with the theory that he killed it because it was associated with Obama.
I also believe that he wanted to get a new deal that would be associated with him.
And I believe that the new deal might have been very much like the old one.
What he didn’t count on was that Iran would not come to the table.

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Don’t know.

But I didn’t like it, or the payment Obama made in the first place.

Your title makes it sound like a fact.

The article is based on one persons assumption.

You do the math.

how about the title

UK Ambassador suspects Trump pulled out to spite obama
UK Ambassador thinks Trump pulled out to spite obama


I have a different title. UK Ambassador claims.

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How about a title including “. . . per UK Ambassador”? That’d be just as clear.

Like, say, the original title?

Except “treaties” have to be ratified by Congress.
Not sure to what agreement Barry Soetoro made with Iran other than releasing frozen assets but it wasn’t a legit “treaty”.

This has been hilarious to watch.

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I question the patriotism of anyone who still thinks trump is fit for office after reading this.

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Trump knows NOTHING about international nuclear deals and diplomacy. NOTHING.

He can barely process basic information at this point.

Just wait til the next Dem starts cranking out those EO’s trump-style. You’re going to be crying yourself to sleep every night! LOL


Your satire only boosts the idiots enthusiasm.

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First…I have no doubt that this sounds like President Trump.

Two…the release of this information is for nothing but political revenge of a politician…that at this point…is on a kamikaze mission.

There are plenty of “inaccurate” thread titles on these boards.