AOC----US Parental Leave treats people worse than dogs

blah blah blah…How did people support themselves before corporations existed? Everything is about personal choice. They chose to bring a kin into the world on 15k a year.

As many poor as we have in this country, and the left wants to bring more in from third world countries. I guess we dont have enough poor people if you all want to bring in more.

This some dumb ■■■■■ You ain’t drinking Starbucks every day on 30K a year. After taxes, 30K is like 400 a week.

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And your kids would be teased mercilessly for not have anything cool or new.

Seriously? I was born in 1983 and had them up until the government got rid of analog distribution. we were forced to buy new televisions.

I…am an expert…on living on virtually nothing…and being happy. I did it for years. It can be done.

What decade was this?

Not at my house, any of my friends’ houses, or school.

You really are out of step with reality today.

Being happy is a choice, not an income.

60 plus million murdered in the womb since 1973. What’s a few more to liberals?

It was in the 80s and my income was less than 20K/year. I didn’t mind watching year old movies at the dollar theatre.

Which is okay. Where I live they are paving everything in sight due to expanding population. I would be okay if that slowed down a bit.

And if you are upset because your child will be teased for not having Air Jordans, perhaps you shouldnt have had him/her.

The fact of the matter is we do not have poor people in this country in any significant numbers. Poor are people living in shipping containers in the Philippines. Or people living in boxes in Brazil or India or people that have to walk 5 miles just for clean drinking water. A great number of people living today do not even have running water in their dwelling. Those are the poor.

What we have here for the most part are people with an entitlement attitude that think they are either owed something from the government, or owed something from their employer, and never willing to make the sacrifices to start something on their own or make their own way.


In the real world, people care a lot more about caring and providing for their own children than other people’s abortions.

Even if you didn’t have an expanding population, that would happen. Michigan’s population has increased by 20,000 people/year for the last 20 years. Yet they keep building further and further out.

That may be true, but it doesn’t change the fact that other children will still call them poor.

Population is not the only cause, but it is the key driver. You need people to drive development. We’re adding population that equals the city of Cincinnati every year. It’s putting a major strain on resources and habitat.

Been there. For the first ten years of my marriage our vacations involved either a tent or a time share sales pitch.

$19,000 in 1985 is equal to $45,000 in 2018.

20K back then is equal to 45K now.