AOC----US Parental Leave treats people worse than dogs

That makes your snarky comment on it even stranger.

About half of all babies didn’t reach adulthood. Should we go back to that?

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Sure they can…They choose not to.

I can’t fully disagree my friend but I just thought I’d throw it out there. :sunglasses:

No, they can’t. The median income for a two income family in this country is only 57K a year.

Maybe they should invent a cure to cancer as well. That would make them plenty of money.

This ain’t the 1980s anymore and the type of economics you support has led to a situation where stay at home moms aren’t an option for virtually anyone but the upper middle class.

If they got rid of their cell phones and color televisions, they definitely could.


Speak for yourself. If you have two adults earing 30k, It would be brutal to lose one of those salaries.


It is not strange because it was not snarky.

You just thought it was because of your own personal biases.

They only people that I personally know that look down on others for their job professions are all leftists. I have never met a conservative that had that mindset. They probably exist, but they do not broadcast it like those on the left.

There’s truth to both sides of this. Many sacrifice the raising of their children to satisfy their personal wants, while others do so due to needs. I can see it both ways.

Holy ■■■■ we’re in total agreement and the average two income family is making around that.


Lol color televisions. Do they still release that study every couple of years? The “many poor people are known to have as many as two COLOR television sets” one.

I will argue opinion. I will not argue fact. I can’t imagine a family trying to survive on 30K.

I could barely get by myself on 30K and I don’t live in a super high cost of living area.

I was born in 1986, and I don’t I think have ever seen a black and white television in person.

I have but only because I was desperately poor. I don’t think they’ve made them since the 80s.

Maybe for security guards, but that’s probably the camera filming in black and white.

Yeah…some would have to give up Starbucks…damn it. :sunglasses:

This is why millennials aren’t having kids. And when they do they have one or two tops.