AOC replacing Pelosi as chief villian for Republicans

No. But we Texans are glad the good people of New York have found a bigger idiot than Shelia Jackson Lee. Congratulations! Your number two is number one among number twos.

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No they didn’t. 2018 mid terms were run on healthcare and jobs.

Try again.

Of course Steve King isn’t.

The media doesn’t take kindly to racists.

I was replying to something specific. You’re the one who jumped in and tried to turn it into a metaphor. Get a ■■■■■■ hobby.

Did they chant lock her up at anyone last night?

oh my…

no need to get so nasty and personal

many dems and media types were all in on this fantastical delusion. try not to take it personally

I’m pretty sure he was joking about the Democrat "wind’ bag liberals that he certainly knows all about.

Yes we know, he’s always joking.

Indeed he is! :laughing: And liberals are always the punchline! :joy:

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“AOC sucks” what a pathetic chant made by pathetic individuals.

yet they take kindly to her because…,?

What Trump-hatin’ libs fail to understand is that Donald and the CEC only want them to THINK they’re terrified of/obsessed with AOC. This provides them with the needed diversion to undermine Pelosi and other genuine Democrat power players behind the scenes while they continue to build their case against their true enemy, Hillary. Anytime someone on the left starts to get close to the truth, Donald makes a seemingly asinine statement about lakes being deep or the Special Olympics, and once more the left is distracted from the Great Work going on behind the scenes. Sometimes it even fools so-called Trump supporters - you know, those ones who claim to back him but question his words and behavior from time to time.

It’s all very eleventy-dimensional, and not something you’d expect anyone lacking Donald’s super-genius intellect to understand.

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well, you cant blame them right?

she is quite the idiot

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Yeah that was Ted Kennedy who didn’t want no stinkin’ Wind farm dirtying up his pristine views.

It’s wishful thinking on their part, since most of those fat rednecks wouldn’t have a chance with her.

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There is no doubt that Trump knows how idiotic his base is. He told them to their face with that “I can shoot someone on 5th Ave…” remark. He flat out called them dumb.

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The complete lack of self awareness among Trump supporters us actually the punch line… but carry on…

I could get around that…it seems taxation favor one source of income over another.

It is a mistake to underestimate this girl.

If the GOP was smart, they’d focus less on AOC, and focus more on Mayor Pete. But hey, the democratic socialist scares them more right now.