Aoc plays a game about corruption in congress

Dana Loesch

:+1: ….

Her rhetoric is the kind that creates True Believers. Revolution-starting stuff.

I can’t wait.

Pelosi is the one who should be most worried.

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Pelosi is too old to worry about the likes of her. .

Pelosi is the Speaker with a loose cannon in her House. Pelosi is famous for her control of her people. AOC is feeding off the fame. The more she gets, the less controllable she’ll be. These things take on a life of their own. And others will jump on the bandwagon if they think they can take advantage of it.

Watch Bernie.


Sneaky’s right on this one.

Look how some pretty smart posters are praising her for a nothingburger stunt.

What stunt?

Her “game” in Congress.

I see your point. Interesting indeed.

The green new deal? That’s not a stunt.

No- the stunt referenced by the OPer in this thread.

Ah so. That’s not a stunt either. She’s prepping the battle space.

It’s a smart move on her part. It’s all she has. She’s a freshmen Congrescritter. Why people thought a bartender wouldn’t be skilled in playing to a crowd I’ll never know.

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Nah it was a stunt.

Smart people should see through it, not ooh and ahh over it.

A heck of a lot of Americans are unaware of the scope of things she talked about, they don’t follow this ■■■■ as closely as political junkies. It’s going to get a lot of people fired up.

To many following and supporting him, he most certainly is. You are misidentifying the perception of his supporters.

He tells it like it is. His plain language makes him relatable. He knows how to connect with the forgotten man. He talks like I talk and says what I would say. Etc.

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You are underestimating her. Mistake.

She learned from Trump and somebody is coaching her. Somebody good.

That is not charisma.

You think a lot of Americans aren’t aware politicians are corrupt and have gamed the system in their favor?