AOC has an idea. I have a better one

What makes you think it shouldn’t be done with the Whitehouse and capital first? Or at least at the same time. What is the argument against it?

I asked you first.

What makes you think this is something that has to be trialed to make sure it’s broadly beneficial?

Ok. I’m okay with doing both. That puts the ruling class in the game too. Not just the poor. Maybe it will be fine. But congress seems to have a habit of exempting themselves from their own rules.

Wouldn’t it be refreshing if they said: “The green retrofitting of America will start with us.” People would love that. Some actual leadership for a change? What’s the downside?

The “ruling clas” can afford to do it themselves and many already have.

Why do you want them to have more government benefits than those less fortunate?

While I disagree with her politics, I like the way she politicians.

She’s got some Mr. Smith going on. She’s a good rep.

That’s a misprint, isn’t it? Shouldn’t it read a town hall for 14 NY constituents? :wink:

It is a mistake to misunderestimate her.

I have no power over her one way or the other. My only interest in her is for entertainment. :wink:

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That doesn’t work, she has came out with things from tearing every building down and rebuilding them to be more energy efficient, killing farting cows, ending air travel and saying the world will end in 12 years and loads more.

If a Republican came out and said they want to improve something by killing every dog and cat in the U.S. and everyone should fly the Jolly Roger flag over their house they would rightfully be called crazy.

It’s a start, but not enough to make that large of a difference. I am somewhat curious as to how much green energy tech the AOC has in her residence, as she is so hellbent in making sure everyone else is using it.

She just recently figured out the garbage disposal, give her a break. :wink: