AOC gets history wrong on FDR and the 22nd Amendment

and his economy sucked, and his policies stalled the recovery. And we are 22 trillion in debt just from SS and medicare type socialism.

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The framers voted to give the president one 7 year term with no reelection. It was the next to last day of the Constitutional Convention.
The drafter (scribe or penman) didn’t like that. He wrote it as re-electable 4 year terms.
The next day was the signing. The Convention noticed the change and decided to let it go and sign anyway. It was stifling hot in the Hall and they wanted to go home.


No, but we have never had a President sitting at the head of the government for twenty or thirty years either.

If FDR had been twenty years younger and in better health he would have done it.

The cult of personality that surrounded FDR was terrifying.

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Twelve years. But maybe that in itself proves that term limits are unnecessary. It’s very unlikely that someone will be in power for that long in a democracy such as ours.

So then what harm could it be if a super popular president whose policies are good for the country were eligible for more than two terms ?

Alex is an acknowledged leader of the progressive wing of the Democratics.

I don’t trust the cult of personality that inevitably develops.

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Trump has it.


Now we imagine someone who is actually competent and could use their cult of personality to undermine the republic.

I’m not afraid of someone like Trump or even JFK or Reagan. Someone like Stalin, who is patient, extraordinarily competent, and absolutely ruthless. That is the danger of the cult of personality. And it can happen anywhere.

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No, some sold theirs for the sake of partisan politics.

The real danger is in the other two branches.

Agreed. Especially the judiciary.

And neither of those branches are comparable. There are members in Congress who have been there for 30 years or more. SCOTUS appointments and many of the judgeships are for life. Either of those examples are more than enough evidence that term limits are a good thing.

I don’t disagree, I’m just saying that’s where the danger is.

I know. Just echoing the sentiment.

So let me get this straight: When a politician screws something up like that we should call him/her out on it instead of making excuses and rewriting history to the narrative? Man, that’s so 2016!

Honestly. AOC is a clown who simply cannot stop talking. She’s beginning to bore me. :sleeping:


Someone like Stalin would not happen under our system, though. Soviet Union never had fair democratic elections AND if I’m not mistaken, it was codified in the constitution that only members of Communist party were even eligible to hold office.

Additionally, during Stalin’s reign all press was controlled by the government, there obviously wasn’t internet and one could not even tell as much as a joke about Stalin in public without fear of severe repercussions.

In our country, I suspect if an office holder develops a cult of personality, their popularity would dip and they would be in danger of losing their gig.

And yet it happens over and over right here.