AOC gets history wrong on FDR and the 22nd Amendment

IMHO, Calvin doesn’t deserve that response.
He’s nowhere near fringe.

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These AOC threads are quite fringy. She’s a freshman congresswoman, virtually zero power… yet she’s like a boogeyman around here.

That sounds like your problem is with the collective intelligence of the electorate, not lack of term limits.

Edit: btw, this is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Whatever your problem with Clinton was, I cannot imagine you’d consider Dubya’s presidency any kind of an improvement on what Clinton’s third/fourth term(s) may have been. Basically term limits are to be thanked for the Hindenburg that is George W. Bush’s legacy. Thanks, term limits !!! :slight_smile:

I understand and agree.
I’m just saying context (in this case Calvin’s posting history) matters.

Understood. I made a minor adjustment.

What the ■■■■■

She has power in the liberal media. Here she is supporting a boycott of the NY Post because they took offense to her pal Omar referring to the murder of thousands of Americans as “they did something”.

Yahoo news (not Breitbart) gives her coverage for her boycott."

“That “was just beyond the pale, you know?” Ocasio-Cortez said on “Skullduggery.” “There’s aggressive politics. There’s people that won’t be fair to you and things like that, and I understand that that’s part of the field that comes with it. But, you know, I think that this is unacceptable.””

Yes, conservatives are going to respond when the left gives her coverage for boycotting a paper that objected to trivializing 9/11.

Weird Trump says he knows more about ISIS than the Generals no conservative bats an eye this freshman congresswoman says something OMG hair on fire freak outs

Too funny.

It is undeniable that the impetus for the 22nd amendment was Roosevelt running for a 3rd term. The fact that it didn’t get ratified until after his death does not negate that fact.

So trump-like. Cool.

The problem is, if you pay attention to history anyway, is that the longer you give a countries leader in office to appoint loyalists, the less likely he is to leave office peacefully when voters try and vote him out.

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Trust me, I bat my eyes regularly over the dumb stuff Trump says. The most recent one I mocked him for was his suggestion to use airborne tankers to put out the Notre Dame fire.

It was cute that trump pretended to care even if it was just to say something stupid.

I have no doubt he cared, he has a distinct fondness for lavishly decorated architecture.

People with no souls cannot have such appreciation. I don’t buy it.

Well that’s an odd remark, you believe in souls but ignore one of the key facets of that belief system, that everyone has one.

I appreciate you sticking up for me, Kermode.

When our political leaders make a gigantic historic error, I have to call them out on it. I don’t care which side it is.

Is the right-wing (and left-wing) obsessed over her? Yes. Even before she actually won her congressional seat, she became a celebrity and household name. My viewpoint of her (re-stating what I said in the past) was (a) She speaks to a large volume of people, who feel that capitalism has made their lives miserable, and socialism is the answer, or at least restrained socialism. And (b) Needs political seasoning.

I for one, have not been obsessed over her. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is what 29 years old, and has about 4 months worth of political experience. I hardly see her as a well of knowledge.

I do agree that Fox News cannot go a minute without mentioning her, which is a problem. And then there’s CNN, who actually created a news story, surrounding her putting together furniture while chatting on social media.

Has that been the case in this country ?

Maybe she can just blame her speech writer and write it off as that’s just what I was told.

Is this the point where Democrats and Republicans both point to the other side and all the times this very same thing as been intentionally or accidentally done while ignoring when their own side does it? Maybe we should all be fact checking everything instead of being willing to take at face value anything any one says simply because the initial behind their name matches the one behind our own.