AOC demanding that Goya foods must be Boycotted because the CEO made pro-Trump Speech

theres a lot more wisdom in those teacher sounds vs everyone’s favorite raging leftist idiot at large.

He doesn’t know who is making his platform at this point :crazy_face:.

However the socialists are formulating it for him.

That’s about all there is over there at this point.

we’ll see if the buy-cott is effective

Wow! First AOC blows a sweet Amazon deal, now she wants to punish a Hispanic business owner and his employees. Why does AOC hate Hispanics?

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And if he wins he won’t be. :wink:


Who will it be?

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It won’t be Biden…if anything they’re going to lock him in basement and trot him out when his masters see fit.

HW Bush was a socialist?

Yeah, how dare anyone support trump or any republican? In fact, being a republican or conservative should automatically get you fired from your job, right?

Right, he’s an empty suit. He stands for nothing. He says whatever he thinks the left wants him to, he has no convictions or integrity. Now he’s senile & can only say what his handlers put on his teleprompter. If he wins, I give him 3-6 months before being declared senile & the hand picked by the Marxists Vice President will be sworn in & the Great Depression II will begin.

Wait…you believe that bull ■■■■ ?

I believe my eyes and ears.

You mean those edited clips ?

Biden has always had gaffes,and he has a history of stuttering.
I don’t think it is cool to tease people with disabilities, no matter how minor they might be.

Oh spare me the righteous BS. Joe Biden is an idiot, always was and always will be.

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No righteous bull ■■■■■ Facts. Biden is far from being an idiot.

(BTW, you may want to fix your filter bypass)

I suggest reading the rules. :wink:

Quoting a filter bypass is against the rules. hence, I edited it out.


Here allow me to help.

Rules of the Forum :wink: