AOC demanding that Goya foods must be Boycotted because the CEO made pro-Trump Speech


I dont get this idea where liberals are getting the idea that Joe Biden is a moderate is nowhere a moderate. When considering he has being calling to take away the guns and changing the second amendment.

A moderate is when you dont change or touch the second amendment. A moderate is someone who supports actual moderate issues.

Joe Biden is a far leftist. It seems some liberals on here have a hard time accepting that reality. You have the far leftist media defending Joe Biden claiming that is not true.

The same Media that is a far leftist media trying to make sure that Biden wins and then pushes far leftist polices once his elected

Joe Biden doesn’t know where he is at any given moment. What are you talking about?

Alright what i think is going to happen is that ww iiii is gonna come and and and well that’s what Nostradamus said. Welcome back mrhawk.



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You really need to learn what communism is

This is emberassing.

Chik-Fil-A vu…all over again. :sunglasses:

the idiot AOC knows no other way to promote any of her babified ideas other than to punish someone for their views.

here she is sounding like shes a high school ding bat

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Have you actually drank that coffee? I have. But it would have been rude to throw out my sisters machine. If I had been stupid enough to buy one throwing it away would have been cutting my losses.

Yes what a bunch of clowns. Once the situation was “clarified” on air they rushed out to buy new ones. Oh and don’t forget the Harley Davidson one that was also classic

I have a different brand machine that has a side for “kcups” and really dig it for a quick single serve. I only use it for the odd stuff like flavored coffee, decaff, bone broths, tea or just the “oh ■■■■ I’m late hurry” cup, but i’m happy its there.

The house I recently bought came with a refrigerator that has a small Keurig thing that attaches to the door. Never used it because I had tried the coffee a few times and found it maybe a half step above instant. If I am running late, I always have cold brew or iced tea in the fridge. Even rather drink a coke and I am not into soda at all.

He’s a racist. That makes him bad.

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I have a Keurig mini, which makes lousy coffee, but I keep it to pwn the cCons.

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Same here.

I’ve also installed a home security system to keep Trumpists out. Really, it’s just a gently sloping ramp to the front door but I put a sign on it that says, “slippery.”


i still think this was all planned to get people to destroy their keurigs so they would buy a new one after keurig and hannity reconciled…

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Stockin’ up on Goya chicken bullion


I had to stop. I kept hearing Charle Brown’s teacher

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