Anyone have a trump to english dictionary

So you think the answer Trump gave regarding his priorities for the next 4 years if he wins was… good? You think he answered the question?

he didn’t and now a large segment of his base thinks he uses twitter to confirm secret q anon messages because of it.

And the second time around. And the third…

How many chiefs of staff we up to now?

I watched the rally’s in Tulsa and AZ. And all Trump did was dig out the golden oldies from 2016. Nothing new. No plans for the next four years. And maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me that not articulating a future plan is not going to help win the independent vote. And if Trump and his supporters think that he can win with only the base they are way out of wack.

The Dude! The neck beard! The legend!

No worries.
In between re-tweeting Qanon randos this morning, he stated he’s going to save our heritage (wink wink).

The ol’, go after the source, not the content… :+1:

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I think it makes no difference what he says… practically. Everyone already knows whether they are gonna vote for him or not. No one is rubbing their chin and weighing pros and cons. It was just an opportunity for more exposure.

you have no new criticism. why should he have new plans.
new plans: continue fighting libs and progs. That’s good enough for me.

the “independent” vote was told in 2016 that Trump was going to crash the market and bring about nuclear war and enslave black people. Independents now know that was a lie. they will vote for him.

Thats not what I asked.

I added to my answer.

Aaron Rupar is not just a source. He is THE SOURCE!

? Im not seeing it.

I’ll use AG Barr and the current press secretary as two perfect examples of President Trump’s improvement in selecting people for different positions. I can’t wait to see his improvement in his second term…how bout you? :sunglasses:

What was wrong with Sarah Huckabee Sanders? Or Stephanie Grisham?

I…m…p…r…o…v…e…m…e…n…t. :sunglasses:

im•prove•ment ĭm-proo͞v′mənt

The act or process of improving.
The state of being improved.

Quoting the dictionary? Fail LOL. What does the current Press Sec improve upon? What did the previous two need improvement on?

One…her ability to control her emotions.

Whose emotions?

One…her ability to control her emotions. Damn… :sunglasses: