Any good T.V. shows out there to suggest?

For a one shot, catch Apollo 11, preferably in IMAX if it’s showing near you, but if not, on CNN on Demand.

Fabulous new footage of the event that NASA shot and made available to the filmmaker, who did a bang-up job with it.

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Lucifer…On Netflix. The actor plays the devil awesome…

I loved the Lucifer comic by Mike Carey. I tried to give the show a chance, but it lost me at some point in season 1.

It does get chickey at times…lol

Does it get any better in following seasons? I was pretty surprised when I saw it was in it’s 4th or something season. Figured it would get canceled already.

I like it…but dont watch it steady. I watch a couple episodes every few weeks when the mood strikes.

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Of the two Sherlock Holmes series, I prefer Elementary, both as a show and because of Jonny Lee Miller’s take on Holmes. But the best, by far, TV Holmes was in the '80s to early '90s, produced by Granada Television. (available to stream or on DVD) The downsides: the actor who played Holmes - Jeremy Brett - had serious health issues that affected his later performances; the 90 minute episodes are all inferior to the best 50 minute ones; the actor who played Watson in the first season - David Burke - left and was replaced by a decent Watson, but Burke was the best ever.

Another recommendation would be the series TURN: Washington’s Spies - ran for 4 seasons, and was based on Alexander Rose’s book about a Revolutionary War spy ring. Excellent cast, very well done, suspenseful. The downside is that it was produced on a modest budget, so anything large scale wasn’t possible. But the actors were terrific.