Any 2019 predictions for the Mueller team?

Was it shut down by a far left New York attorney general? One who spent zero time investigating the corrupt Clinton foundation. Has anyone been charged? This has the stench of politics written all over it.

We really should keep count of how many Mueller is struggling/failing to connect the dots/in big trouble now threads are created in a year. It always makes me chuckle when those not in in the Dept of Justice make proclaimations about it. Patience Grasshoppers.

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Why? Because you assume Trump is innocent?

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Patience? I feel like Lucy waiting for the great pumpkin. We have been patient for two years. We may as well wait two more I guess.

It has only been 19 months so far. Sorry you are not good at waiting. its a good life skill to have.

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Just think Ken Starr and Benghazi, then you’ll feel much better.

No, it was shut down by Trump, after allegations of “a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation — including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more.”

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Asked this in another thread, and (to the surprise of no one) got no answer. Perhaps you will help me out. How long, in your expert opinion, should this investigation have taken? Should Mueller have explored all possible avenues in a couple of weeks? Months? What are ya thinking here?

Actually I feel pretty damned good right now. But thanks for your fake concern. Maybe if we had four dead diplomats I would agree with you. Bodies are excellent evidence and usually require an investigation. Still waiting to find out what crime the President is being investigated for. Any ideas?

If there is evidence of a crime then who knows? They have not identified what crime they are investigating. That would be a good start. They are hunting for some crime and have not found one yet. The definition of a witch hunt. So far the only crime Trump committed is defeating Hillary.