Anti Vaxxers Ruining Disease Free Country

I think many of you are confusing measles and german measles (rubella).

As I recall there was what they called 3-day measles and measles.

I think I had the measles but what do I know? I was just a kid and there’s no one to ask now. But I do recall how it made it’s way through the neighborhood.

I don’t know what part of the states you live, but prevalence of obesity really does vary by state:

Even those that are in the yellow to red, prevalence can vary by district and demographics.

And, as pointed out, it isn’t contagious.

“…because some parent doesn’t want to give a chicken pox shot…”

Well, there are those fussing about kids not learning in school. How does one teach a child who is at home with the discomfort of chicken pox?

Hopefully those kids, if they get shingles as adults—and that isn’t a pleasant complication—thank those parents who just didn’t want to get the vaccine.

No people, usually children who have not been fully vaccinated are at risk. People who do not have the vaccine take in their bodies, people with suppressed immune systems. Its a lot more than the dolts who refuse vaccinations. It makes me laugh too that parents today who are anti-vaxxers were children who benefitted from vaccines when they were kids. They now put their kids at risk.

Please don’t call measles a relatively harmless disease. That’s incredibly ignorant. Relatively, it’s a pretty harmful disease. Even if the point is to frame it from an anti-vaxxer’s argument, it can’t be stressed enough how terrible these preventable diseases are and in no way should they be downplayed.


I hadn’t fully thought through this issue. I used to think “no big deal… it only affects other anti vax people and that’s their choice.”

It doesn’t happen often, but this thread has changed my opinion.

I don’t know what the answer is as I don’t like the idea of forcing medications on anyone against their will. But I also don’t like the idea of the decisions those folks make affecting other people.

Its called protecting the heard. If you have 100 people and the vaccine is 98 % effective, and that means you have 2% that are not given immunity, then you add to that 6 unimmunized people. Those six are at higher risk, and no so are the 2% that don’t respond to the vaccine. So out of 100 people that only 2 people, but if it’s 1000, that’s 20, but if it’s 100000 people, that 2000 that can easily get infected. Will they all? Probably not. But that’s a lot risk. Think of a big college. 30,000 students. 2% is 600 students who are vaccinated but are not immune to something. You then bring in 20 nonvaccinated students who then get the disease, and they now have passed it on to some of the 600. Potentially you have 600 people very sick.

This is why its so important to vaccinate everyone. The healthy protect the 2%.

Glad i could help…i am sure there will be someone along any minute now to say that the govt has no right to tell anyone they have to get vaccinated…and they’re ok with these diseases getting a stronghold again for their rights.


Funny, you hate it that there are anti-vaxers & want them punished, BUT, you are ok with illegal border crossers coming here that have not been screened or vaccinated for many severe diseases like tuberculosis, etc. huh?

they should lose custody ,have the government step in and vaccinate the kids and then return custody to the parents

I am all for vaccines but I would hardly classify Costa Rica as disease free, in the last 10 years HIV cases has risen by 70%.

How MANY vaccinations? Some places require 134. You think that is necessary? Really?

Are you ok with illegal border crossers coming here that have not been screened or vaccinated for many severe diseases like tuberculosis, etc.?

Funny you can’t express an opposing POV without going personal & can’t even stay within the topic.

Everyone who enters the United States should be vaccinated, EVERYONE.

Is that clear enough for you?


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Let’s see a link for the 134 vax.

That’s seems excessive to me.


Which completely preventable disease should children die from?

I’d like to see that too. I have a teenager & she hasn’t been vaccinated against 134 diseases.

There are some bloodborne pathogens parents think their children can’t get, like Hepatitis B, because the family doesn’t live a high risk lifestyle.

What if parents and one or more of their children have incompatible ABO and/or Rh blood types and that child cannot receive blood from them when needing a transfusion? Hepatitis B has become more common in banked blood than HIV. Friend of mine contracted it that way & has since passed.

Since Hep B isn’t spread like chicken pox or the flu, that inoculation should be voluntary. But parents should be warned of all possible consequences.