Anti vaxx tourists from Texas assault NYC restaurant hostess

Actually it is not.

It is a public health measure.

It’s not illegal

I don’t care what color someone is.

People should get vaccinated.

Yeah asking people are vaxxed is discrimination but it’s a legal kind of course.

Just like shirt and shoes.

You remember the no shirt no. Service.

This is like that.

No vax no indoor dining.


right- it would be better if they could hire bouncers, but oo expensive. that’s t

The alleged assaulters claim racial profiling.


I am sorry… I do find this part funny.

Do you think it’s illegal to not let people smoke indoors?

Trump is gone…their services are no longer needed.

YES cities and states with the vax card mandates are creating an enforcement nightmare, making business owners and workers enforce their tyranny, on threat of penalty & fines!! They are forcing citizens to police other citizens and it’s outrageous.

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Sounds like the Texas abortion law.


I’m sick of how often “racism” is claimed by blacks with a beef about something.

Doesn’t matter if it’s conservative blacks or liberal blacks. The allegation has been so over-used that it has been rendered meaningless. And my first reaction to it now is an assumption of a racist call to emotion from the ones making the allegation.

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NBC is 90% fake news.

The real news has Nurses quitting due tot he mandate and it’s causing a shortage. See how govt force sucks…

You mean like the Texas abortion “snitches for riches” law.



No it’s not :roll_eyes:

I think most restauranteurs and patrons in NYC are very happy to have the vaccine mandate so they can fill their restaurants again, and patrons can enjoy a meal without worry. It’s a shame some people don’t know how to behave. Tourists!

And the Dems old, stale & never ending motto is always blame others for what they are guilty of! Any discussion or debate ends in an unfounded accusation, against their favorite target! So predictable.

If you’re anti vaxx, why not just stay out of NYC, where we are pro-vaxx. I am certainly not planning any trips to Texas or Florida.

That is quite unAmerican.

Better to trust each other…easier too.

Same people have to enforce smoking bans. Seems to work out ok.

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In this car the unvaccinated patrons would have gone indoors. Seems like we can’t trust them.

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You think unvaccinated people should be caring for others?

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