Anti vaxx tourists from Texas assault NYC restaurant hostess

Huh. Well, this is interesting! Always more to the story isn’t there?.

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This has nothing to do with trust. If you are not vaccinated, kindly stay away.


What’s different about it?

Absolutely. The CDC removed the mask mandate and was like…good luck!

Having all retail stores shift over to the honor system over vaccination was a hell of an idea.

You literally just made an excuse.

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“What makes the Texas law different is its unusual enforcement scheme. Rather than have officials responsible for enforcing the law, private citizens are authorized to sue abortion providers and anyone involved in facilitating abortions.”


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As opposed to no care at all?.. Yes. This is how the left gets people stacked up the corridors of hospitals like in UK and Canada. Stupid unyielding rules…

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Trust the anti vaxx fringe radicals.



Nurses resigning is nothing new and has been taking place before even COVID-19 made it to the west, much less vaccination mandates:

There are several long former nurses working with me, & I’ve known a few who were forced out due to injury lifting adult patients.

One former RN cited nursing duties going more paperwork, with direct patient care going more to lesser paid CNAs, and signing off on paperwork wasn’t why he attended nursing college.

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I agree, unless there is a reason someone can’t be vaccinated.

Really, if someone exercises their freeberty to be part of the problem, and they’re not comfortable with a mandate in a particular state, they should stay out.

I wonder if some of those protesting COVID-19 vaccination mandates take offense to MMR vax or proof of antibodies, chicken pox, Heptovax B, or TB testing for everything from college to hospital employment. Arr they having a cow about flu shot mandates in some places?

No, I think it best health care personnel at risk of spreading anything from tb to COVID 19 and cannot provide an exemption & will not comply with a viable alternative, like weekly testing, should be sidelined.

“…maybe the family didn’t want that.”

Tough beans.

Maybe they wanted to pay with a credit card that isn’t accepted, or have a particular doctor treat them, but he doesn’t accept their insurance.

If they didn’t want outdoor dining, they could have gotten take out or ordered hotel room service.

And they should have kept their hands off the server, who was doing her job per city ordinance.

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and the vax is making it worse. And it’s Nurses. Think they may know something?

Nope. Nurses and physicians aren’t above & beyond errors, including pushing testing & services that serve no therapeutic purposes for their patients.

As an example of error, supposedly Boston is state of the art for medical care, & a colleague had to keep pushing for more testing to find out she had not the not responsive to treatment urinary tract infection her doctor told her she had, but bladder cancer.

Would these same nurses say no to MMR vaccinations to enter college?

Heptovax B to enter nursing programs?

Mandatory vaccinations for any children they may have enrolled in schools?

Those opposed to COVID-19 vaccinations are offered viable alternatives like presenting an exemption and weekly testing. Should they refuse even these alternatives, good riddance to bad rubbish.

The increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations are taking place largely among the unvaccinated. Either nurses quitting have their heads up their asses, or they’re selective cherry pickers who want the profession to adapt to their every whim, much like children. Since they’re even refusing other options like weekly testing, I believe it to be the latter.

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On a side note, is anyone here familiar with a restaurant called Los Dos Molinos in Long Island?

I’ve been told it’s hot & spicy Mexican cuisine that’s out of this world.

I’d love to put that vaccination card in my wallet & try it some day.

Some people will not get good medical help because of the nurses shortage. You don’t seem to care.

The help wasn’t so great before the nursing shortage, which is pretty much created by the nursing profession itself.

It sucked wind, to be brutally honest, and the patients are probably better off without some of these so called professionals.

They can use a hotline, a sort of Teledoc service. A public health clinic. A CVS Minute Clinic.


They’re probably better off.

at least we agree… You must have god like omnipresence to know the future so well.

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I’m sorry?

There’s a deity and it isn’t me.

You ever know someone who worked the restaurant industry and avoided eating in these establishments because they saw some of the goings on (for example, they knew a particular pizzeria didn’t mind taking food that had fallen on the floor & serving it, maybe one didn’t properly store meats)?

How about an auto mechanic who could tell you how some of these professionals rip off their customers, or even a shelter worker who could regretfully write how he himself was part of the problem of animals not being adopted?

I don’t trust many health care professionals as both a worker and user of the health care system. Many of these so called superheroes in scrubs truly suck, & the patients would probably better benefit from urgent care, teledoc, the services of a nurse in a public health clinic or minute clinic.

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I hardly think professionals who have enforced everything from mask mandates to actually throwing patients out “because of the COVID” are in any position to ask for similar concessions.