Another Visit to US Concentration Camps

why what? Not sure what you are saying?


Why there is an immigration “stand off”.

No need for quotation marks. It is a stand off.

why? Nobody is willing to compromise.

like you. you dont want a path to citizenship for DACA people. there is no compromise in that stance. How bout a way to admit some of the DACA into american citizenship?


I never said I didn’t want a “pathway to citizenship for DACA”, I said there already is one. Always has been.

Trump will give you DACA. What are you going to give?

Money for the Trump’s wall. the offer was already on the table and was passed on by the President.


What were the conditions on the money?

Yeah, Trump probably should have done the deal with Schumer if they had the votes. Kelly seems to have messed that one up. And then the judiciary said Trump couldn’t cancel DACA anyway.

Don’t blame one side. They are all complicit.

No but I do believe it was over a few years (dems hope they will oust him in 2020 and then wall funding would go bye bye)


did I say otherwise. Hence the need for a compromise.


Best thing to do is let the people who want all of the third world to come to America is to let those people house and pay for the migrants while they are waiting for the asylum date and they are responsible for them showing up at their hearing. I want to see how far the bleeding hearts last, when it’s their dime and not on the backs of everyone else.

I’ve seen pictures of all the human trafficking going on.

No, there shouldn’t be a different process…equal protection under the law and such. That’s not to say they should be booted from the country and required to enter the legal way, but the process itself should be applied as it is to anyone else. No special treatment.



See what I was saying about temporary concessions? Why would I agree to this, especially after what happened to Reagan?

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which is why we have this immigration mess, the unwillingness to compromise a solution.

it will continue for a long time. sad to say.


I’m sorry, compromising on a fundamental ideal, like equal protection, should be a no-go from the start. A simple program that would protect these folks from being booted from the country so long as they follow the legal process anyone else would be subjected to is more than a reasonable compromise in this regard. As you said earlier, these folks didn’t make a conscious choice to enter the country illegally…but why should that give them a leg up over those who have made the conscious choice to enter LEGALLY?

Not a leg up, an assist.

There are 4 classes of immigrants in my opinion.

  1. Totally illegal-consciously broke American immigration law
  2. Asylum seekers—following the rules of American asylum seekers
  3. Legal immigrants—followed the rules and let into the country.
  4. DACA illegals—followed totally illegal parents into the country

Now you want to lump 1 and 4 together. That’s not a good idea.


You want to lump them all into #3.

Nope. I want 3,4,2,1 dealt with each in different way.


No you don’t.

There must be thousands of prosecutions for human trafficking by the Trump administration… oops…