Another one bites the dust - Acting SECDEF Shanahan to "spend more time with his family"

Why would I assume otherwise? I have no idea what goes on in people’s lives. Though as a general rule, more women seem to be abuse than do men.

Are they?


SUMMARY: According to a 2010 national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Department of Justice, in the last 12 months more men than women were victims of intimate partner physical violence and over 40% of severe physical violence was directed at men. Men were also more often the victim of psychological aggression and control over sexual or reproductive health. Despite this, few services are available to male victims of intimate partner violence.

Physical violence

More men than women were victims of intimate partner physical violence within the past year, according to a national study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and U.S. Department of Justice. According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (hereinafter NISVS) released in December, 2011, within the last 12 months an estimated 5,365,000 men and 4,741,000 women were victims of intimate partner physical violence. (Black, M.C. et al., 2011, Tables 4.1 and 4.2) 1 This finding contrasts to the earlier National Violence Against Women Survey (Tjaden, P. G., & Thoennes, N., 2000)(hereinafter NVAWS), which estimated that 1.2 million women and 835,000 men were victims of intimate partner physical violence in the preceding 12 months. (One-year prevalence “are considered to be more accurate [than lifetime rates] because they do not depend on recall of events long past” (Straus, 2005, p. 60))

Here’s another set for you.

" * About 1 in 4 women and nearly 1 in 10 men have experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime and reported some form of IPV-related impact.

  • Over 43 million women and 38 million men experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

It hardly matters which one is the victim. At the risk of repeating myself, the family is an absolute train wreck and it was a brazen act of deception by the administration to attempt to hide that fact.

And why would you even put yourself in a position where you know this is going to come out?

The most transparent administration evah! LOL.

You’ve seen a media report of the police report.

Same with her. And there’s evidence.

You sure about that?

According to the cdc numbers above. 1 out of 4 women, 1 out of 10 men

Ok, as long as you’re sure.

DIdn’t say I was sure. I said according to the statistics above.

He should never have been put there. I think Trump does this ■■■■ on purpose so as to never really have a full cabinet and he can rule to roost like a banana republic dictator.

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And how many people in his adm., or his nominees have this kind of stuff in their backgrounds? Shanahan, Porter…seems like there were at least 2 or 3 more.

He’s got like 19 “acting” dept. heads or some ■■■■■ It’s a control tactic worthy of the likes of Hugo Chavez.

And I read he was going to appt a “czar” for something. Weren’t czars a bad thing under Obama?

They’ve always been questionable, since WWII.

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That may well be, but I don’t think we should be mocking the victims of domestic violence.

I agree.

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All the best people, huh