Another mass shooting

Never happen…

Your suggestion makes way too much sense.

No it sure what you are talking about but I ve watched this story on Fox.

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Drugs aren’t the problem. Just some people don’t know how to take them without killing or doing to harm themselves or others…Why make them illegal for everybody?

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I had to see for myself, just how liberal are we talking? Well as you said it is ultralib.

I guess the bad guy must have missed the sign stating “this is a gun free zone”


Yea been few days since last one…

That’s the spirit!


Rather than miss it it was probably what the bad guy was looking for.

You don’t see the bad guys trying to shoot up a NRA convention for example.

No. What’s your solution?

Obviously stricter gun laws…

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That is true. No guns means easy victims. As we all have witnessed time and again


I believe the Police officer was armed…

Colorado already had strict gun laws.


Not strict enough then…

Gun laws in Colorado are more strict than they have ever been.

What do you propose?

He was, and that is a problem for your proposal.

Is that a known fact or just an assumption?

Lol so you believe some newsletter written by a guy that has been caught in so many scandles on CNN that he has been relequated to writing newsletters. Oh and it is CNN. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

OH and here is Hannity reporting on it. Boulder grocery massacre leaves 10 dead including cop, suspect in custody | Fox News

Watch the video

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What do other countries do that don’t have this mass shooting problem?

What do you propose?

What do other countries do that don’t have this mass shooting problem?

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