Another J’Biden 2A Assault Coming

And some places in Illinois

It was true and the military-industrial complex used it to find more customers.

No I don’t, but I sure do remember the nightly violence in the streets.

On TV.

It will never happen in our lifetime. Maybe at some point, our country will lose it’s love affair with guns, but it’s a LONG way off.

The ban already happened. For a decade.

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This is the naïveté that allows confiscation to happen. “Love affair with guns” :crazy_face:

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And you’ve had it back for 17+ years. It’s a far cty from people forcibly taking guns.

Samm, all due respect, but gun rights are safe for at least the next generation. You and I will be dead before any of these dire predictions come to pass

Your word is worthless. There are plenty of people of your ilk with political power who want to take our guns and who will continue to turn the ratchet of “reasonable gun control” for as long as they have power to achieve that goal. And if they are put out of power there are others who will take up the mantel and continue in their place. It started in 1934, but I have been watching this process for nearly all my life and I can tell you first hand that our right under the 2nd Amendment is under serious threat and could disappear in a heartbeat if the political stars line up for those who wish to disarm the American people.


Same with abortion rights.

And with all due respect to you, we cannot take that chance. Once freedom is lost, the only way to regain it is with blood. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

And to be clear, I am primarily talking about prohibitions against possessing specific arms, and/or types of arms and the ability to bear them, not a complete ban on all guns. I have seen in my lifetime loss of the right to own certain guns everywhere in the country and the loss of the right to own other guns in specific States. (In the sixties, as a teenager, I could buy semi automatic Luger pistols through the mail, no questions asked for $40. At 16, I purchased a 30-06 rifle at a gun store without so much as having to show an ID.) Gun confiscation is real and its disingenuous for you or anyone else to attempt to assure me that it won’t continue and become pervasive if it is not stomped upon the second it rears it’s ugly head.


Well, keep fighting. Let us reconvene in April (?) when they issue holding on NY State Rifle and Pistol V. Bruen. I predict that you will be happily surprised.

We’ll see. I bet at the very least, Dobbs will lower the viability threshold. But they may just go for broke.

Not a “far cry” at all. It was never removed, they let it expire. And it took a Republican government to get that. It wasn’t “just blackplasticscaryguns” either.

Nobody believes that nonsense anymore.

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Key word.

2nd Amendment rights are being violated all across this country as we speak.

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Da comrade Supreme. And who woulda thought a LEO, Firefighter, Doctor, Nurse or anyone could be fired from their job for not complying with a goobermint mandated vaccine?

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Every initial draft of firearm legislation includes making possession illegal. Just like what recently happened in Virginia with that ■■■■■■■ Dick Saslaw.

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Wrong. I will be happy, but not surprised. But that case just goes to support that “they” are after our guns. The case would have never originated if they weren’t.