Another anti-vaxer dies

If your point is that vaccinated people can also die from COVID, then cool. That’s a provable and true statement. Vaccinated people can die from COVID.

Yet …

And only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths in May were in fully vaccinated people. That translates to about 0.8%, or five deaths per day on average.

Earlier this month, Andy Slavitt, a former adviser to the Biden administration on COVID-19, suggested that 98% to 99% of the Americans dying of the coronavirus are unvaccinated.

I’ve already posted the CDC info.

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So people should get vaccinated?

what vaccinated deaths?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Vaccine Hesitancy

See the CDC report above.

Let me guess? You are holding onto the false narrative that no one who has been vaccinated has died?

Bless your heart.


So you believe the that a person who was robbed should be thrown in jail as well as the person who robbed them?

They will still be here. They will just turn to robbing you instead of working.

I can see you have never owned a business.
I have and still do.
I know for a fact that if I advertise a job I can not refuse to hire someone because they did not pass everify. This is what happens when the government makes certain people special.
If that person is white and male no problem I can refuse to hire them if they can’t pass everify.
If they are a minority it’s a whole different story. I have to give them all how ever much time it takes for them to fix the problem of not passing everify.

So why is jbiden importing all those unvaccinated and spreading them all over the United States?

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We are ignoring this. OR it’s not that important overall.

Take your pick.

And how do you determine what statements are lies, manipulations and fabrications?

Do you feel the same about obese people who keep eating more than they should and unhealthy food ? Or people who are sick because they don’t exercise?

You don’t have to own a business to hire employees.

I work in Human Resources for my organization and we hire approximately 250-300 people per year. So while I’ve worked there we’ve advertised and hired approximately 5000-6000 people.

Not quite true.

There is a tentative no confirmation process during which the employee must be given an opportunity to correct their information.

QUOTE: “ IMPORTANT : Employers may not terminate, suspend, delay training, withhold or lower pay, or take any other adverse action against an employee because of the TNC, until the TNC becomes a Final Nonconfirmation. If the employee chooses not to take action on the TNC, the employer may terminate employment with no civil or criminal liability as noted in “Responsibilities of the Employer,” Article II, Section A paragraph 13 of the MOU. The case can be treated as a Final Nonconfirmation and the employer should close the case in E-Verify.”

So while technically true you cannot refuse to hire a person based on a TNC, you can terminate them once either the employee refuses to correct their information or they have the status is changed to a FNC.


Depends on the degree. There’s a spectrum of obesity and sedentary lifestyle. There’s also no vaccine to prevent those conditions. Immunized status is binary. Those things are not.

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Hiring an illegal laborer is not being robbed.

This is a wild line of reasoning.

So to get this right. The public should only focus on the poor bastards looking for jobs… only punish them and ignore the ones who exploit them for their cheap labor?

You think a vaccine that purports to allow people to overeat junk without suffering ill health would be a good thing? You don’t see any obvious downside?

I’ve had Covid. Why should my immunity be valued less than that of someone who has not had Covid but has taken an experimental vaccine that may not prevent them becoming infected and a vector?

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It is sheer evil to allow illegals in, then deny them a means to make a living in the hope they will “self deport.”

No different than luring a stray dog into a house, then denying him food so he’ll go away.

I wouldn’t do that to a dog, much less a human being.


Who is allowing illegals in?

The border is not an open one.