Another anti-vaxer dies

Side effects happen within two months. There is no history of side effects popping up after years. It would be practically unprecedented.

Thousands of more people will die needlessly avoiding the vaccine in fear of phantom side effects.

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My son and his girlfriend decided against it (late 20’s). I asked them to do their research on it and make an informed decision.

Other than that, it is a personal choice for people who are healthy and don’t know what the long term effects could be, especially if they have children.


What are your concerns with the vaccine?

No, it’s true.

No, it isn’t.

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Good luck to you. :crossed_fingers: I wish you would reconsider.

As do I. I am very pro-vaccine but I also appreciate those who want more information and are weighing the long term vs the right now.


You are wrong.

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It’s not the minorities and illegals who are dying. It’s the anti vax right.


With all due respect, you can have your opinion on a definition of a word, but the definition is the definition. Experimental meds deal with off label use or drugs undergoing a clinical trial, most notably phase 1 or 2. That is where we deal with efficacy, or how well it works or even if it works at all. Thus, an experiment. Phase 3 is mostly involving a drug that has efficacy but undetermined safety over a broad swath of population. Once that has been established it is no longer experimental, it has efficacy and is proven safe over a broad swath of population.

Folks are mixing up whether something has full FDA approval, which takes time, with whether the drug works at all or is proven safe, or experimental.

It isn’t experimental.


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Addressing in bold: Why do you think there is no history? Just how long has this vaccine been out?

I wish more Republicans had the courage this governor does. Telling it like it is.

There is no history in vaccines in general, of side effects popping up years later.

It is unreasonable to think this vaccine would be different in that regard.

I’m talking about the history of vaccines in general.

With all due respect, I disagree. You are using a pharmaceutical definition.

It is experimental. We don’t know what the effects will be on very large segments of the population.

That it is saving lives does not make it not experimental.


You’re wrong.

This is not a “vaccine in general”.

I understand.

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So this new covid vaccine works in the exact same way, was developed in the exact same way, and has gone through all of the same approval processes that all previous vaccines have done??

Yes or no will be sufficient.


Appreciate your post. Thank you.

Not all folks who are holding off on getting vaccinated are anti-vaxxers. They are making a personal (albeit from my perspective, detrimental) choice. When it becomes “anti-vaxx” is when they post lies, falsehoods and conspiracies on Social Media or the like.

Which then influences others to also not vaccinate, which can harm them or even kill them. Because they believed this person and trusted this person.

That is the danger I see in this movement, it is the trust and the rush of people listening to your advice, even if you don’t have a bloody clue what you are talking about. They are getting attention. And as long as they get that attention they will keep ramping it up to keep their “audience” in line.

As I have said on this forum many times, the most addictive thing in this world is attention. For those with the addiction, once you get it, you will do whatever possible to keep it. Even if it is negative. Sort of what our former President suffered from.

And using the term “experimental” has power, the power to persuade and the power to validate why you are deferring a medical miracle. It isn’t experimental, it isn’t unproven, and it could save untold lives. It has, by some estimation, saved almost 200 thousand US lives to date as it is. That isn’t a technicality, that is reality.

And at some point, we all need to start agreeing on what reality is. Opinions may and should vary, reality shouldn’t.

Thanks again for the kind reply.