Announced One Hour Ago: ... Anti-vaccine activist RFK Jr. challenging Biden in 2024

why do you deny being a republican, its a worthy political party.


I neither deny nor confirm anything.

See what I mean? MAGA trying to pretend rfk Jr is someone anyone should consider voting for.

I saw RFK write ins as a poll worker for the dems. 4 or 5 out of 100.

Read it as you will.


RFK, Jr. has landed a coveted endorsement.

Looks like RFK Jr has the pedophile vote all locked up.

All the Biden votes. He is going to take so many of them :joy::joy:

RFK Jr. has now tried to join both campaigns. A man with strong political convictions, obviously.


Is this good news for the Trump campaign?

Has to be, right ? If he’s pulling in 5% or so of national vote currently and a lion’s share of those go to Trump now.

I suppose. But most of RFK Jr.'s policies are pretty liberal. Hard to say how his supporters will react to the idea of supporting Trump.

I am not too certain about that. RFK jr was going on name recognition and as an alternative to Trump and Biden.

I am not sure if that support with necessarily transfer to Trump.

If he endorses him and campaigns with him, a few might switch . Maybe not enough to make a huge difference.

Thing is since Kennedy is anti-vax (even though Trump isn’t), I’d guess a lot of his supporters already lean conservative.

It’s irrelevant to either campaign.


He might get some from the bear carcass lobby… but I am not sure how much it is going affect things.

I wonder what would have happened if Ralph Nader had dropped out in 2000 and endorsed Al Gore ? Would we ever even hear about the Florida hanging chads ?

They’re there because they didn’t want to support Biden, and apparently not Harris either.

But you’re right. It’s a quantum leap from supporting RFK to supporting Trump.

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Lol no it’s not, they are birds of a feather