Anheuser-Bush sheds 5 billion in value!

At my liquor store, it hasn’t dropped a dime last I checked. But that was a while ago.

Perpetually offended libs didn’t boycott MyPillow, they ■■■■■■■ insisted retailers cancel them and pull their items from their shelves and not allow anyone the ability to shop and buy those items Which they did.

No Bud Light has been forced to be pulled from shelves, people are just not buying it, but it is still available at any store for those who wish to buy it to do so.

Learn the ■■■■■■■ difference.


Thanks for proving my point. I said “response to.”

These two statements are hilarious given the content of this thread.

they know the difference they just wont admit it because they know you are right

this is why they call everything else “cancel culture” it’s classic projection.


No they aren’t. [quote=“PurpnGold, post:2623, topic:244604, full:true”]

These two statements are hilarious given the content of this thread.

No they aren’t.

I see UFC teamed up to support sexual perverts/illness.

Dana White: “These guys employ 65,000 Americans, thousands of vets they employ. They spend over $700 million a year with U.S. farmers, you know, buying their crops for their product. And there’s many, many other reasons that I did this,” White told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on his radio show. “Where I sit personally with my core values and I felt like the core values of the UFC, even though we’re a global sport, and we have fighters from all over the world. This is an American company. And I love this country and this is more about me being aligned with somebody who is a sponsor of the UFC and somebody I’m going to work with every day.”

I’m going to assume it was a favorable deal.

He sold out despite what anyone says.

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Unless he said the UFC will never do business with any company that has ever associated itself with a trans person in any way, then no.

I would boycott them but i have never watched them to start with.


Looking at the bigger picture, imagine that.

Buy cheap. Sell high.

Same here…same with Bud light.

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Me too.

Appearing on “The Sean Hannity Show,” White said his decision to partner with Anheuser-Busch “was the furthest thing about money.”

■■■■■■■■■ It’s always the money for these sponsorships.

They wrote a BIG check.


My guess is that they way overpaid what some other sponsor would have. But Anh-Bush needs to pay that price to overcome the stigma and rebuild legitimacy. Money talks. A-B is going to need a lot of it to talk louder than the current doghouse they’re in.

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White is probably planning a tranny league.

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Dana probably has some gambling debts to pay off to the Las Vegas casinos

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