Andrew Gillum’s platform: free government cheese, abolish ICE and impeach Trump


Now will you agree that if they can’t afford to pay for health care, then they don’t deserve it?

No, I don’t agree with that. What I disagree with is subsidized health care.

I’m sorry. I’m confused about what your position is here.

Please correct me where I’m wrong.

You believe Americans deserve health care, even if they can’t afford it.

However, it should not be subsidized.

I guess I’m just not understanding how people who deserve health care are going to receive health care if they cannot afford it, but it shouldn’t be subsidized in any form.

Those who think government healthcare for everyone is the way to go need to see what it takes to be treated for something as simple as the flu through the VA, and that’s after twenty two years of defending the Constitution and they’re rights. I forgot we’re just veterans and don’t matter.

My experience with the VA have been pretty good, and that’s after 6 years of defending the Constitution and they’re rights.

I assure you, having access to the VA healthcare is far more appealing than not having healthcare at all.

Your very fortunate and I’m glad it worked out for you that way. It hasn’t been that easy for some of us when that’s all you have as far as healthcare, guess I’m living in the wrong part of the country then.

Let me ask you this, I’m guessing after spending six years in the military do you have a civilian job that you have healthcare through that you can fall back on?

Most likely that’s the case.

I’m sorry that your experience has been suboptimal. There are always ways to make the system work better.

Yeah. I have good healthcare through my job. There was only about a 2 year period where I had to go to the VA for a few things. The VA in San Diego is highly rated.

I am glad I don’t have to rely on the VA system anymore, but that doesn’t have anything to do with my experience using that system.

My wife volunteers at the Bay Pines VA. And from what she tells me, this particular facility is pretty darn good. Having said that, our veterans are a unique class, in that they deserve taxpayer financed health care. On the other hand foreigners who have invaded our borders in violation of our laws, do not deserve one thin dime of taxpayer financed healthcare.


The unavoidable truth is, the Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ and Andrew Gillum’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

What is the worry? If he wins he will only be the governor of Florida. Not like he will be in Congress.

All the people in 49 states and all the US territories that aren’t Florida need not worry. His agenda / platform won’t affect them one bit.

If he shows that a socialist program like universal healthcare works on a state level in Florida, then it’s more likely such a program would be expanded nationwide in the same way that Romneycare did.

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Meh. I have no problem with that. Our founding fathers put no time restraints on “The Great Experiment”.


“Laboratories of democracy” and all of that. A very great ecoperiment. :wink:

Love my fat fingered word creations.


I stared at that word for 5 seconds while you changed it. I waited while it got changed because I knew you’d fill me in on what you meant to say, and I didn’t need to spend any energy trying to decipher what you intended. Usually I’d assume this was an automatic process, but I think i genuinely accepted ecoperiment as full of possibilities until you completed the edit.

Pretty much everything the Trumpsters criticize the Dems for, Trump is guilty himself. It’s hilarious!!

Exactly. And he could destroy the entire state of Florida with his “free government cheese” approach.


Socialism is intentionally designed to benefit politicians who confiscate and then redistribute “free government cheese”, while it enslaves those who produce the cheese.

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Just make certain you don’t live in Florida.

Problem solved.


Folks seem to think of he wins, he can sprinkle his fairy dust on other states or national issues and make changes.