And Ty Cobb is gone

So what. What’s good for the goose is good for gander.

Unless of course you think libs are special?

It’s all you have…liberals are mean and get away it so it’s ok to be that way…mr I want to kick liberal teeth in…but they so mean and abuse everything that I might faint…lol…

Don’t cry lib.

It must be super frustrating to work for a guy who will not take your professional advice. Who against the odds thinks that he can persuade anybody that he is innocent of anything. Even if these lawyers think that he is innocent how can you sit by and watch your client talk about doing things that are so self-destructive. Rudy doesn’t have to worry. His career is over. And maybe Sekulow doesn’t care also. But Flood is a question. He is leaving being a partner at a decent law firm for a place on the WH staff. It will be interesting to see if he lasts that long.

Has he been in front of a Grand Jury before?

Just imagine for a minute the absolute horror show we would have if the doj and fbi were run by elected officials? Dear god that would be horrible.

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What abuse of power are you talkin f about?

Thats how it is Conan.
What you or I want is meanigless.

It is a pretty badass mustache

Ahh trumps 11 dimensional chess

Laughing tears because of you

Can I ask you something: What makes Trump trustworthy in your eyes? I am honestly curious about this. I am a John Kasich, Jeb Bush moderate Republican, and I am still trying to trust or like Trump, and I just can’t.

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i don’t think it’s gonna be stuff like cheating on or conning his wives/vendors/customers/etc.

In other news, Giuliani just told Hannity that Trump paid Cohen back the 130k for the Stormy agreement. You know, the one Trump knew nothing about.

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How can that be? Donald Trump’s name wasn’t on the NDA. It was one of his aliases.

No way…

What a cluster ■■■■■ Lol!

Do you know that Obama lies more than Donald Trump?

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