And the number one issue for November is:

For me this is it.

I’m not a big fan of either party. They both obviously have their share of scoundrels. Both have fallen woefully short of earning my trust. But if things go O.K, I may actually get to retire in the not too distant future. So I have become single issue focused. The market is looking pretty good right now. So I will be voting for whom ever is least likely to crash my 401k by negatively fiddle farting around with the tax code, adding regulations or engaging in other needless interference. Things are looking good. If they want to tinker with their own retirement plans then let them. Leave mine alone. I have a professional to handle my accounts. I don’t need a bunch of lawyers screwing it up. This is not amateur hour. I will be voting for whoever is smart enough not to tinker with a good thing.

Hi Altair! If you are planning on retiring soon, you should already be moving some of your investments out of the stock market. I hope your professional adviser is doing that. You have to plan long term for the ups and downs of the markets.


Agreed. As you get closer to retirement, the focus needs to change to wealth preservation. It is best to rebalance your portfolio to a higher percentage of low risk investments such as bonds.

Some money in stocks is still ok - but the percentage needs to be something you and your financial advisor work out together.

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Agree with others. We’re likely in another bubble and due for a recession. If I was retiring soon I’d be moving most out of the stock market. Depending how far away you are, you may not be able to recover your portfolio before you have to start withdrawing should there be a crash, or sharp decline soon.

I’m not really looking to change anything. My plan is rock solid. I’m close to being able to pull this off. Unless politicians decide to tinker with it. Some politicians insist on fixing what isn’t broken. Which party is least likely to try to mess with a good thing? You be the judge.

Gold, bitcoin, and the Detroit Lions to win the Super Bowl - the three pillars of my low-risk investment strategy.


I personally wouldn’t go with a plan that was dependent upon politicians - but that’s just me.

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If your plan is put at risk by some political changes, it’s not rock solid.

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Rock can be made of talc…

You really need to diverisfy into Beanie Babies and Webkins. We are patiently sitting through a slump right now but when this thing pops it’s going to be crazy. Don’t miss out!


Hey, I’m starting a new internet business around the concept of selling Cabbage Patch Kids dolls. It’s a sure - fire investment. Contact me for details… :rofl:

Ok, why does everybody think that I am asking for advice? Didn’t I make it clear that my account is being professionally managed?

Well actually it isn’t “just you.” They can do whatever they please with your money. I hate to break this to you, but ALL plans with ANY potential for growth are subject to the whims of politicians. Politicians can crash the economy, tax anything they choose at any level they choose or increase regulations to punish business, severely limiting growth opportunity.

Just trying to help - but I certainly won’t give assistance where it is not desired. Have a good day!

One of the tenets of behavior finance is that people project the most recent scenario into the future.

Be more specific. Can you tell me what plan is not influenced by market conditions, increases taxes, increased regulations or a poor economy? Which plan that has any real growth opportunity is not affected by these factors? Your current plan is booming because market conditions are favorable. That boom could definitely be screwed up by government.

Recency bias, availability bias (WYSIATI), confirmation bias, overconfidence bias…

There might be no nonfiction subject more useful to read to the average joe than behavioral Econ/finance

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Any old timers here remember when Spinach (currently Old Timer 3.0) thought he knew what he was talking about when it came to investments? He was urging everyone to get out of the market at the depth of the recession and buy gold. It would have been funny if some members hasn’t followed his advice.


I had the opportunity to take a class here in GA from a teacher who wrote a book on behavioral finance - it was her specialty. That was probably the most interesting finance class I have ever taken.

At the Master’s level, I used that information as a basis to show how it could be applied to fraud detection in accounting for my thesis - landed me my first job after graduation.


I understand. But the market is booming because government is getting out of the way of business. That is the reason. The market could be trashed if we elect people who want to increase taxes and interfere. It works both ways.

Yes. Ugh. He was like a con man but with no benefit to himself.