And suddenly, Liberals do have self control

Ideology can be terrible for society

The sick part is they don’t think these people should be having children yet they’re perfectly fine with having the government compel them to do so. Makes sense. :roll_eyes:

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If people are hooking up for one night stands, of course, abortion isn’t going to come up. The problem is sex before getting to know a person. Ideally, get to know a person, then get married, THEN have sex.

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married women have abortions too.

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No one has ever said abstinence is impossible. No one is opposed to teaching it as part of a sex ed curriculum, it’s just foolhardy to not also equip young people with the knowledge of how to be safe if they reject abstinence. You’re using so many ridiculous false equivalencies here I don’t know where to start.

On an individual basis, we can certainly choose to not have sex. Or to use a condom. But having a policy of just telling everyone to “stop” in order to solve a public crisis of any sort is unscientific and stupid. See : the war on drugs.

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War on drugs, war on poverty, war on homelessness, war on crime, war on terror…


That’s the problem. The world isn’t ideal.

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Abortion as a political wedge was a replacement for the Southern Strategy. The cartoon stereotype of the lazy promiscuous irresponsible woman of color who either has babies for extra food stamps or just has one abortion after the other because it’s so easy is strong in some people’s minds.

There is a married Republican woman in my family with an anti-choice sticker on her car. She accidentally got pregnant in her 40s and I know exactly how she took care of the situation. Lucky for her someone else has fought for her right to make her own medical decisions.


Well it would be if we’d just make not being ideal illegal… Or something.

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Very true, we can’t legislate morality, but we shouldn’t have to pay for people’s lack thereof either.

Really? They’re compelled? That’s like saying we compel people to go to jail who have committed crimes. Decisions have consequences.

Again, the issue is not making people moral, but making people responsible for themselves…

Maybe sometimes getting an abortion is the responsible thing to do

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Using birth control certainly is, but we definitely don’t want to pay for it. Better to not pay for it and punish people for not using it. Abortion is murder! How dare they have unprotected sex! Even though we won’t pay for them to use birth control. I wonder though, by not subsidizing birth control and forcing people to use abortions as birth control (not really the case, but whatevs) how they aren’t complicit in these murders they keep harping on about, but maybe that’s just me.

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It amazes me that it simply doesn’t occur to liberals that mankind has continued for thousands of years with the idea that parents are responsible for raising, feeding and caring for vthe children they bring into the world. Liberals today believe children are a corporate responsibility. Have all the kids you want and let our big, benevolent brother take care of them with the money of other people. Of course with books like Hillary Clinton’s " it takes a village idiot", no wonder personal responsibility ls viewed as such a quaint idea.

God intended the nuclear family and the church to be the foundation of society. Satan can’t destroy the church because it was founded by Jesus and he said it will prevail against the gates of Hell. Instead, he has worked for thousands of years to destroy the family. Today, we can’t bring children into the world without “help” from the government, and if the little nuisances put a cramp in our lifestyle, just kill them!! Problem solved. 6 million murdered Jews was a holocaust, 60 million murdered in the womb is just “choice.”

That about sum it up?

No it really isn’t. Abortion is legal. You want to make it a crime. You want to punish people for something that’s legal. What is that called when liberals do it? Now you’re doing the same thing.

I have a couple thoughts here…

  1. I used to post on a rabidly conservative forum…the “Hold an aspirin between your knees” method of birth control crowd. When I actually pushed the male members of that site if they had been virgins until marriage, not one had been. Not one. So if these warriors for virginity couldn’t do it, it’s hard to fathom it being followed by many.

  2. And from a liberal perspective, why save yourself til marriage? What if you find you are incompatible sexually after marriage? What’s the problem with sex before marriage? The only one I can think of is the risk of STD and almost all of those are not a big deal. There is AIDS which is serious. Most other ones are pretty minor nowadays.

Have all the kids you want and let our big, benevolent brother take care of them with the money of other people.

No. That is what will happen though when abortions are illegal. Kids who should have never been born to parents who should never have had them will become wards of the state at the expense of the taxpayer. This will especially affect the poor who have nothing better to do, but we already know how much we care about those people. :roll_eyes:

Punish People?? Knew it all along. Children really are nuisances aren’t they?

Oh no you want to punish the children too. Just because their parents had sex when you think they shouldn’t have or something.